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    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : February 22 2022

    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : February 22 2022

    'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : February 22 2022

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 08:00 AM PST

    In this thread, you can post a maps from your games, and other players can try to guess who you're playing, what year it is, and any other info you specify. Please only post maps in top-level comments. Such posts outside this thread will be removed by the moderators. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+AND+%22Which+country%22&restrict\_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) to see past threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    I'm never going to financially recover from this

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 12:36 AM PST

    That would explain my lack of an heir

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 02:30 PM PST

    My friend has become a true eu4 player

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 11:08 PM PST

    Papal Sudoku

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 11:13 AM PST

    "Will not betray ally for gold"

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 03:52 PM PST

    Half rant, half funny observation. Look, I get that it's for balancing purposes. I get that it's supposed to prevent you from paying off countries when you go to war. But sometimes this mechanic is downright absurd.

    I'm sitting here in 1721 as Persia with the world's largest economy by far and I have so much money I can just throw it at people for fun. I regularly subsidize wars for no reason because I just wanna see someone win. And so I'm sitting here at war with Delhi, unable to peace them out because their ally Brunei, who I can't reach, is refusing to peace out. And I'm wondering, "well why don't I pay them off?" So I send them as much money as possible (almost 14,000 ducats in one peace deal), something that literally ANY sane person would take in exchange for betraying an ally that's on death's door anyways, only to see the "-1000: Will not betray ally for gold" modifier.

    Seriously? You're gonna decline fourteen thousand ducats for your ally who's gonna die in 5 years anyways? I did the math - that's twenty-one years of income. That's enough money to build manufactories in every one of their provinces at least twice over. (I know the AI doesn't usually build buildings, but still.)

    I checked some other countries I was at war with to see if I could peace them out, too - all of them said no because of "will not betray ally for gold." I did the math for Songhai, too - they make 17 ducats a month. If I sent them 14,000 ducats to peace out, it would be equal to SIXTY ONE years of income. I feel like Mansa Musa - maybe that's why they won't accept?

    Again, I know it's balancing behavior. It'd be too easy to peace people out individually and snowball. I just think it's kinda hilarious (and also mildly annoying at times) to see the AI do stuff like this.

    submitted by /u/AT0MSK_
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    Immortal rulers

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 01:36 AM PST

    Give us a new "protect independent state" CB!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 03:22 AM PST

    There should be an option for the age of revolutions that allows you to send peace troops into lands you covert.

    submitted by /u/Winston_Duarte
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    My dude really hates Wallachia.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 03:49 AM PST

    How to Annex England? Can't full annex in peace due to unfinished Hudson Bay colonies. If I annex all other provinces their capital moves to an unfinished colony.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 10:55 PM PST

    Liberty desire is just a number.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 11:28 AM PST

    Who taught ai how economy work?!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 10:55 AM PST

    Paradox please

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 10:59 AM PST

    It was at this moment I realized.... I F***ed up

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 03:35 PM PST

    POV: you're arguing with a redditor

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 01:49 AM PST

    Giving Loans

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 04:39 PM PST

    The Chin dynasty taking over Europe... (not playing Austria)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 04:20 AM PST

    Guess I'm moving to antwerp

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:49 AM PST

    Finally got Mare Nostrum. I now hate this game and will never play it again.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 04:54 AM PST

    An accidental genius move - The majority of the Mamluk army has been taking attrition for 10 years in an isolated province after a peace deal

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 04:02 AM PST

    Please, just get me out.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 05:38 AM PST

    Just another post about name placement

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:11 PM PST

    Average Paradox Name placement

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 09:33 AM PST

    Come Out Ye Black and Tans

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 11:01 PM PST

    One of the best coincidences of my life at the date of 22/02/2022

    Posted: 22 Feb 2022 07:22 AM PST

    Is there any way to speed up troops/ships animations?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 04:31 AM PST

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