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    Saturday, October 30, 2021

    EU4 EU4 1.31.5 Casual Hussite Flanders Flemish One Culture

    EU4 EU4 1.31.5 Casual Hussite Flanders Flemish One Culture

    EU4 1.31.5 Casual Hussite Flanders Flemish One Culture

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    There should be a Romuvan religion.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    The more i looked into it. The more upsetting it was to see Lithuania being 100% Catholic, it was only recently Christianized, and by 1444 Baltic Polytheism certainly did not die out, in fact, it survived till modern day and is apparently undergoing a slow revival. Christianization occurred to stop Christian incursions, it was a strategic move. The ones to convert were just the nobles whereas the common folk still held on to their old ways at this time.

    It was only by the mid 16th century that Catholicism had taken a hold too strong to dislodge. The Lithuanian language itself hints how reluctant their conversion was, for example, the god of thunder, Perkunas, survives as the word for thunder itself, Velnias, the god of death, is now the Devil, and Dievas, the god of the sky, is now their word for God. (the abrahamic one) They didn't even bother coming up with names for the days of the week, instead just referring to them as first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh day.

    If my wish is ever granted, i hope Romuva can be made the official faith of Lithuania either through a decision or event if certain conditions are met, (since Romuva is in the pagan group, it can't change the state religion even with rebels) and of course such an action should come with some consequences like make the rest of Europe livid, but how fun would it be to roleplay as the last polytheist nation and try to spread it across Europe? There's so much potential here.

    Edit: I'm shocked at how much attention this received, i thank you all.

    submitted by /u/Sapmitime
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    Ulm -> Swabia -> Germany

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    My experience from 527 recent sieges

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    How the heck do people get so many PUs in their games?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Like I have gotten maybe 2 PUs that weren't secured by wars or scripted events in 600+ hours

    Then I see screenshots on here where people have half of Europe as their damn PU by like 1500

    Like in my current game I have had GB Austria Spain Muscovy all same dynasty for over 100 years and nothing nothing.

    Are they just alt F4ing every time an heir is born? I don't get it.

    submitted by /u/Insertblamehere
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    Can't wait for the Jæmes Bønd books to be written

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Why isn't the mission triggering?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    And I would walk 5000 miles, and I would walk 5000 more.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Any historical claim/source that confirms this? This seems pretty badass

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    My Eastern roman empire 100 years later what do you think?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Gothic invasion gone wrong.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Finally got the Kingdom of God achievement on my seventh attempt!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Legend never dies, they just went missing

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    +OH CAPTAİN LOOOOK!! -Whewhere ???

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Just got the lessons of hemmingstedt achievement I highly recommend this run. Which was your favourite achievement run?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 04:52 AM PDT

    As the title says I have just achieved lessons of hemmingstedt and had a blast doing it, so far it is my favourite run, when I started I was in a rut of not enjoying gaming and this relit that fire.

    The run started with poaching the one and two province minors along the coast and in northwest Germany. Then when Sweden declared for independence I took Sjaeland, some point near then burgundy became a prince and lost all of her PUs so I poached Amsterdam, then the next 50 or so years was chipping away at Denmark who still had half of Jutland, Norway, Baltic islands, iceland and her Livonian lands.

    What I want to know is what we're your favourite achievement runs and what made them enjoyable to you?

    submitted by /u/Winky0609
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    [Idea] In peace treaties, you should be able to both take and give up lands.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    After the real life War of Spanish Succession, Spain become ruled by the Bourbons, but was forced to give up Gibraltar to the British among other territories.

    submitted by /u/Professional_Cat_437
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    Double the spy, twice the fun

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    This goes out to the old Albanian neighbor that always gave me grapes off his vines.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Why you mad?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    My Avar Khaganate Run

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Irish Protestantism?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 08:53 AM PDT

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