• Breaking News

    Monday, January 17, 2022

    EU4 Was happily on the road to a world conquest, but my (very large) vassal Great Britain owns three colonies, which apparently disqualifies me unless i can control them directly. I have GB in a personal union, but I won't be able to integrate them by the end date. Any schemes or is this dead?

    EU4 Was happily on the road to a world conquest, but my (very large) vassal Great Britain owns three colonies, which apparently disqualifies me unless i can control them directly. I have GB in a personal union, but I won't be able to integrate them by the end date. Any schemes or is this dead?

    Was happily on the road to a world conquest, but my (very large) vassal Great Britain owns three colonies, which apparently disqualifies me unless i can control them directly. I have GB in a personal union, but I won't be able to integrate them by the end date. Any schemes or is this dead?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 01:08 AM PST

    First time I've ever seen the AI do this

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 02:13 PM PST

    Now that's just petty

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 09:01 PM PST

    Anyone got some tips on the best strategy to win this coalition?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 07:26 PM PST

    Fast and furious

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 07:36 AM PST

    Missing form Spain decision.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 11:53 AM PST

    ottomans enforcing white peace on me! what do i do?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 04:59 PM PST

    What are to listening to?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 01:48 AM PST

    I have been play a lot of EU4 lately and while my wife is usually very patient as she listens to my blobbing strategy, I recently admitted to listening to classical music from the nations I'm playing as. Think Wagner for a Prussian run, Tchaikovsky for Russian run, Tibetan throat music for anything central Asian. She has labelled this combo the Geekiest thing ever. It got me thinking, what do other players listen to while painting the map?

    P.S. My music choice remained a secret because I play with headphones on and line up the tracks on Spotify.

    submitted by /u/rustygamer1901
    [link] [comments]

    The Great Resignation reaches the Roman Empire

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 11:59 AM PST

    I made Deccan a march because I don't want to annex them. Is it worth renouncing my cores on them?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 03:46 PM PST

    Don't mix map mods kids

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 08:59 PM PST

    europa universalis moment

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 01:39 PM PST

    A friend in U

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 05:35 PM PST

    I made an EU4-style province map of the Pacific Northwest

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 01:25 AM PST

    How many of you guys are still on 1.30?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 09:19 AM PST

    I'm curious. Some people I know of, they are still using 1.30 instead of going for 1.32. So I want to see how many on this sub are also on 1.30?

    submitted by /u/SpectaSilver991
    [link] [comments]

    League war wasnt triggering, so I fought it myself!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 04:46 AM PST

    My very first world conquest – of course Mughals (thanks guys for inspiration!)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 02:54 PM PST

    Japan formed in 1448

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 04:02 AM PST

    Spawned Colonialism as Kilwa!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 09:28 AM PST

    How do you guys manage to win the league war so early? I've been having to widdle so many countries down to be able to Force Religion, it's taking forever

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 08:50 AM PST

    After more than 1400 hours in the game, I just discovered that spies can give reduced tech cost

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 02:48 AM PST

    I just realized you pay a lot more on the pdx store than on steam.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 12:49 AM PST

    Goodbye Ottomans, can't say I'll miss you.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 06:42 PM PST

    Started a multiplayer game with friends new to the series, one of them was England...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 02:56 AM PST

    First Time Seeing This After 3K Hours

    Posted: 16 Jan 2022 01:02 PM PST

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