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    Wednesday, April 21, 2021

    EU4 This should be illegal

    EU4 This should be illegal

    This should be illegal

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 01:05 AM PDT

    I got 51 dev in all of my provinces

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Slavery Doesn't Make Sense

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    The way that slavery works in EU4 is very poorly thought out, and not very realistic. First off, where exactly are the slaves coming from? It doesn't make sense that rulers would simply have a province where they take slaves from, especially if it starts as their religion and culture. Historically this didn't happen. European Christian slave traders specifically purchased slaves from Africa because owning Christian slaves was not allowed. It used to be that Eastern Europe was the largest source of slaves for the west, but as they became more Christianized traders started looking for different sources. To make more sense historically, slavery should be a trade good you can convert a province to if they are both not your religion and not an accepted culture. This happened many times, especially in the new world with the Spanish and Portuguese enslaving the natives to grow sugar cane or work in the mines. One of the biggest reasons that the Iberians actually began participating in the slave trade en masse was because all the natives were dying too quickly and nobody was alive to work in the mines.

    This is also a good choice because it allows for slave provinces to exist outside of Africa. Personally it always bugged me that slavery was almost exclusive to the African continent, because history didn't have to be that way. This sends the message that other places are simply incapable of producing slaves which is very obviously not true. West Africa having a pre-existing slave trade should not make it the only place where slaves come from. Azov, the only slave province outside of Africa, doesn't make sense either. It is not a place where slaves were kidnapped from, it was merely a market in where they were sold. This is not applied to any other province. London or Edinburgh or Charleston don't turn into slave provinces in the time periods where they become huge slave markets. To simply be more in line with what slavery is portrayed as in Africa, the provinces around Southern Lithuania and Russia should be slave provinces since those are the places that the tartars actually raided and kidnapped slaves from.

    But how do we fix slavery? How do we make it a more accurate portrayal of possibly the largest breach of human rights in history? I suggest two things: We make slaves a good that you can change a province to if that province is both not an accepted culture, and a heathen religion. This is in line with the Papal Bull Dum Diversas of 1455, which allowed the Portuguese to reduce any "Saracens, pagans and any other unbelievers" to hereditary slavery. This will allow slave provinces to be created anywhere.

    The second change I would make would be to make slaves a special trade good like gold. Right now, slavery is too underpowered. Millions of people were not shipped across the Atlantic ocean because they were a mildly valuable trade good, it was to fuel a massive plantation-industrial complex. I propose that both controlling the trade and production of slaves should give bonuses to the production of certain trade goods proportional to the percent of slavery production/trade you control. Sugar, Cocoa, Tobacco, Tea, and Coffee should all get large production bonuses if a country is trading in slaves. This will also make the abolition of slavery an actual consequential choice, instead of simply an opportunity to reroll for new trade goods in African provinces.

    In summary, slavery in EU4 is unrealistic, inconsistent, and too deterministic. The abolition of slavery is also a very easy and inconsequential choice gameplay-wise. By implementing the changes I have proposed above, Paradox will create a more complex, rewarding, and realistic system for players to use.

    submitted by /u/N80M80
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    African Power in 1738

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    The Federal Republic of Rome

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    EU4 1.31 "Ma...ja...pa...hit?" Patch Notes: What They Actually Mean

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    Expansion Features

    • Added more ways to spend everyone's taxes on like, a giant gold statue of your famous ancestor or an ivory palace to spoil all of your courtesans instead of anything that might better the lives of your ungrateful people.

    • If you want to just pick up Stonehenge and move it to London, we're not going to stop you. The British have traditionally done the same with everyone else's cultural monuments so this is, if anything, a step in the right direction.

    • Instead of making your friends like you more, you can now manipulate them into feeling like they owe you something.

    • You can now call in these favors to make them stop talking to one of their other friends, give you money, or make them have to babysit your cousin Kyle (who totally sucks, by the way) and call him "king".

    • Colonial nations now offer three different ways to despoil every distant corner of the world and profit off of the suffering of their people.

    • You can now just roll up and rob your vassals like you're Genghis Khan or something concentrate development from your subject nations to your capital.

    • Spend government reform progress to hire more bureaucrats to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

    • Spend government reform progress to kick a bunch of farmers off of their land and make room for another textile manufactory.

    • Totemism now has a mechanic.

    • Added auto-carpet siege, several expansions after it would have been relevant.

    • New Mandala government reform encourages you to do a whole bunch of drugs and stare at the geometric tapestry you bought at a metaphysical shop in Santa Cruz for 3-4 hours.

    • Tell a bunch of fishermen and spice mongers that you're taking their boats because there's a war on and you forgot to build a navy.

    • Regency councils will now be led by one of the assorted groups of assholes who always think they could run the country better than you.

    • You can now choose to extend a regency while you continue to pray that Kyle will stop being like this. Or maybe just die.

    • Remembered that Southeast Asia exists.

    • Remembered that Australia exists.

    • Remembered that Polynesia exists.

    • The 1444 set-up for Eastern North America is no longer based on cowboy movies and scholarship that was a full century out of date.

    • Added war canoes to model the fact that the Polynesians didn't form one of the most far-ranging oceanic cultures of all time by like, swimming from island to island.

    Free Features

    • Sikhism now has a mechanic.

    • Added an alert for idle merchants, seven and a half years after release.

    • Heir legitimacy has been reworked. This bodes ill for Kyle.

    • Zoroastrianism now has a mechanic.

    • Theocracies, steppe hordes, and natives now have their own sets of policies so you don't have the Apache for some reason trying to press gang sailors to hang out with them and sing sea shanties.

    • New migration mechanics to model the fact that the Miqmaq didn't just decide, hey, maybe we should leave everything behind and go to Utah?

    • Migratory natives will now add devastation to a province the longer they stay there without migrating, as they were famously much worse than the colonizers at living sustainably in their natural environments.

    • You can now unite Fiji, New Zealand, and Hawai'i as a Polynesian tag, giving you a nice, new map color to look at while you wait 200 years to reform off of the random Mamluk colony that somehow always pops up in Australia.

    • Added 43 Polynesian events but left them with Animism, the one remaining religion that still doesn't have a mechanic.

    • Added 98 new provinces in North America to help later colonial historians make the case that it was "mostly empty" when they found it.

    • Added a new Aboriginal Australian religion, featuring a mechanic.

    • Native federations are no longer a weird edge case that becomes totally irrelevant around one generation after the colonizers show up.

    • New tribal development mechanics model the fact that yes, indigenous North Americans did occasionally stay in one place and build some large things.

    • New Plutocracy government reform allows you to get a head start on the modern period's gradual transition from rich people owning everything because of God or whatever, to rich people owning everything because they were most willing to discard all pretense of morality in the pursuit of profit.

    • Cloves are now a trade good separate from spices to model the fact that they, specifically, started whole ass wars more than once.

    • The world's volcanoes no longer mysteriously go dormant from 1444 to 1821.


    • Johan still thinks gamebalance is one word.

    • Your heir's claim will now increase faster. I mean, come on. Kyle's not that bad.

    • Okay, fine, he is that bad. But he's your next king so you better get used to it.

    • Regencies now have a minimum of 80% legitimacy because they're kinda the people who determine what "legitimacy" even means.

    • You can no longer invest in a Level 3 center of trade in a remote fishing village with like 20 inhabitants, no matter how nice of a natural harbor it is.

    • Canals now provide more trade power, as there were no vessels large enough to get stuck and block them completely in this time period.

    • The Swiss Guard is now a relevant military force, not just a few guys with really nice hats.

    • AI is less likely to run six colonists if they're several decades of GDP in debt. Len will still do this because she's not very good at the game.

    • Marines no longer die instantly if you flick them in the nose at close range.

    • We're still trying to get you to care about victory cards.

    • Hordes can no longer take aristocratic ideas. If you want to have a landed aristocracy you need to settle down on, you know, some land.

    • Naval leaders will now eat birds instead of swords.

    • The number of boats you can now get to sail in a line without crashing into each other, or some rocks, or drifting off into the distance, is now based on your naval tech.

    • You now need more guys yelling and pulling on ropes when your boats get bigger.

    • Barbary pirates can no longer somehow dodge coastal battery fire to sail up and kidnap a bunch of people.

    • Gave Martin Luther some other hobbies so the Reformation should no longer fire on the first day it is theoretically possible.

    • Innovativeness is now worth getting for something other than events that only pop up in the last 25% of the game when you've probably already won.

    • Naming your in-laws as co-belligerents in a war will now make them hate you even more than they already do.

    • It should now be easier to see which provinces have been set aflame by angry peasants. The fire and screaming are kind of a give away.

    • Made it much easier for Christian countries to join the HRE, so you better get that wooden wall going because we might be seeing a lot more French-led neo-Carolingian megablobs soon.


    • AI went to a financial advisor and is on track to be debt-free by 2051.


    • Paradox Tinto has officially been released as a vassal of Paradox Interactive and added as a new tag in Iberia separate from Paradox Development Studio.

    • New "mothball all forts" button for when you've formed Great Britain and will likely not need them again for the rest of foreseeable history.

    • Modders can now add as many estates as they want without some of them being absorbed into the void. There's so much room for (subversive) activities!

    • Your spies should no longer insist that the Emperor would join both sides of the upcoming war.

    • Added a UI alert to remind you that the Hegemony mechanic exists.


    • You can no longer try to recapture Rome's bygone glories by laying siege to the ocean.


    • The Pope should no longer go Full Weeb when vassalized.

    • Burgundy can no longer say they'll join the HRE and accept a ruler of your dynasty, but then send him home and choose someone else off the street when they see that it's Kyle.

    • Even if the Chinese Emperor doesn't join a tributary in a war, he'll still give them a hall pass to move their armies through his lands.

    • Tributaries can now engage in vassal feeding. The Emperor understands it's part of the meta and he was being too much of a Legalist not to allow it.

    • You can no longer show up in your vassals' Centers of Trade and just start lighting fire to the docks. There's a button for stealing all their stuff now. It's up at the top of the patch notes.

    • Fixed crash with Totemist mechanic if ruler has a personality. Just because he was kind of an asshole doesn't mean we can't find a way to tell some inspiring stories about him.

    • Fixed crash when having an ancestor with no personality. Such as when your ancestor is Kyle.

    • Cultures who still to this day don't support the idea of nationalism should no longer suddenly decide they're really into nationalism.

    • Your people should no longer get up in arms about "uncontested" cores if those cores are on uncolonized open wilderness where basically nobody wants to live.

    • Seizing the Mandate of Heaven and becoming Confucian through decision should automatically harmonize your old religion instead of requiring you to send scholar-bureaucrats out to painstakingly study whatever it was you believed in five minutes ago.

    • You can no longer rearrange the letters on the welcome sign on the way out to prank your old federation in the dialogue box for leaving it.

    • Protestants should no longer ignore people receptive to their message and instead become more determined to convert you in proportion to how loudly you've told them to fuck off.

    • Andean nations at game start should no longer treat Muisca as some sort of haunted forest where no wise people may venture.

    • Condottieri being paid by a foreign power should no longer get grumpy on principle about the low military budget of their origin country.

    • Your ruler can no longer be in a coalition against themselves due to a Personal Union.

    • Your officers should no longer tell you they'll get to the next province on a given day, then get distracted looking at a cool really cool bird and arrive behind schedule.

    • You no longer get a Religious League War participation trophy just for declaring war against one of the League leaders for any reason at all, even though that's basically what half the participants in the Thirty Years War actually did.

    • The country being fought over in a succession war can no longer become the war leader and tell both competing dynasties to fuck off, even though this was kind of the canonical ending of the Wars of the Roses.

    • Fixed minor bug penalizing Heathens for being Heretics. I won't be burned alive for believing in your god the wrong way! Let history show that I was burned alive for not believing in him at all!

    • You can no longer be called into a war against one of your allies and preserve the alliance afterwards by saying, "We're still cool, though, right?"

    • Armies can no longer ignore forts by setting a movement order before the war is declared and telling the guys on the battlements they're just passing through on an unrelated errand.

    • Subjects with supportive focus should no longer become passive. I can get into another long-term relationship if I want that. Keep it out of EU4.

    • You can no longer raid coasts where you have a truce with the owner, claiming that it's "not technically warfare."

    • Cossack states with the Cossacks DLC can now burn shit down like other steppe nomads. Don't worry. Jesus said it was okay.

    • Austrian peasants should no longer show up to start shit via event in a country where no Austrian people even live.

    • Fixed bug where a province with "no_religion" can't be converted to any religion. No matter how militant an atheist you are, we can always just kill you and move someone else into your house.

    • Explorers should no longer decide they're bored of hunting for the Seven Cities, post up on the beach in San Antonio, and never send word back home hoping you'll just forget you told them to go trudging through malaria-infested jungles.

    • AI should now spend on development when they're capped in a particular monarch power so their twitch chat will stop yelling about it.

    • OPMs that embrace the Revolution can no longer ask to become a free city because they're pragmatic enough to tolerate hereditary rule as long as it lowers their development cost.

    • Enhanced algorithm.

    • That's literally what the official patch note says. "Enhanced algorithm." What the hell does that mean? Which algorithm? What did they do to it? How will this affect our EU4 experience? We may never know. Congratulations to Paradox Tinto on the award for the most vague patch note of all time.

    • Fixed issues with the commands.

    • Which... issues? Which commands? Again, that's word-for-word.

    • Greenland and Papua New Guinea are now islands, as opposed to... whatever we were calling them previously.

    • The Emperor can no longer declare the results of the Religious League War to be "so last century" when proclaiming Erbkaistertum.

    • You can no longer have two diplomats building competing, rival spy networks in the same country. This isn't a freaking Bourne novel.

    • Armies set to Autonomous Rebel Suppression should no longer ignore rebels that have crossed the border from other countries, letting them burn and pillage everything in sight because they "didn't want to get involved in international affairs."

    • Made the AI less racist.

    • Kyle is still, unfortunately, pretty racist.

    Official notes: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/europa-universalis-iv-development-diary-20th-of-april-2021.1468539/

    These take a very long time to make. If you got a good laugh and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee:


    submitted by /u/AsaTJ
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    Ah yes, I too remember when the Shogun converted to Christianity to defeat Christianity

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    [1.31] NEW Majapahit Ideas

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    You were supposed to destroy the Ottomans, not join them!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Abandon Roots, become viking

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    One province HRE?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    cursed england

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Poland is more OP with this one permenant modifier

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    My latest Cuzco->Inca Campaign

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Scottish Colombia seems less yellow than I remember.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Unlimited Powaaaa, Plot Twist, It's African

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    First Taungu Empire, 1486

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    I can feel a United Europe comming...

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Prussia you ok there buddy?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Your cursed eu4 post of the day

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    I was going for an early roman empire, but then i declared a stupid war and it's still going 42 years later....

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    The Emperor died in the middle of the league war and...

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

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