• Breaking News

    Friday, August 20, 2021

    EU4 My happiness is immeasurable and my needs will be satisfied!

    EU4 My happiness is immeasurable and my needs will be satisfied!

    My happiness is immeasurable and my needs will be satisfied!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Wallachian serfdom

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Highest OE I've Gotten That I Survived

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    Now that's a lotta damage!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 02:39 AM PDT

    I found an interesting bug with the "Expand Empire" CB

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    A true pirate never returns what they take.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    The Polish do battle with the Georgians in the midst of Ethiopian-occupied Ottoman Syria

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Trying to play in Kenya be like - ( New African Meta )

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    rate my diorama

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    This happened in my Wales game

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    I did it guys!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Catholic Habsburg Ottomans Sharing a dynasty with Byzantium

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 03:38 AM PDT

    Cheesing coalition wars. Does anyone else do this?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Big coaltion of various HRE princes, poland-lithuania, and venice fired during my austrian campaign right around 1490 after I got the BI and expanded into France. As soon as the coaltion started forming I had sent out numerous alliances (3 or 4 over my limit) so by the time it fired I had papal states, muscovy, mamluks and brunswick come to my aid in addition to my actual allies brandenburg, England, and the palitanate. Might have been able to win the war but it would have dragged on for ages. I hid my stacks in the balkans and behind some forts in gent, and waited maybe 6 months to a year. After that the enemy occupied a few of my allies provinces and I was able to peace out the coalition by releasing urbino from Papal states, calenbang from brunswick, palitinate returns a core to wurtemberg and I annul my alliance with the papal states (oh no!). I lost none of my own or my vassals/PUs territories and barely any of my manpower and was able to lock most of the outraged countries into a long truce. Whats the cheesiest way you finessed a coalition war?

    submitted by /u/PoopTheShmoop2077
    [link] [comments]

    Yemen has coffee, if you have coin

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    1525... and I've had 7 total PU's

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    Rebels liberating unoccupied provinces?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Any advice for further expansion in my Tunisia game(besides Fezzan and Tlemcen)?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    Returning to EU after a year, My Japanese empire is having a Serious Spain Issue

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    How can I get into this game?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    People seem to love paradox games and as an history buff and civilization fan I can see why, but after playing for 2 hours of EU4 I have no idea what's going on and find it hard to get engaged into something that's basically just a map, menus and numbers. How can I get through these hurdles?

    submitted by /u/Intelligent-Gap2578
    [link] [comments]

    WC Possible? and if so what do i focus on?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Not having Emperor DLC sucks now??

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    I've play a few games over the years, so I'm not totally new to this game but I'm kind of a noob. So I have all DLCs but emperor and leviathan. I started a game since I have free summer time as Ottomans, and converted to chrisrianity, and got to be the Emperor, and also PU France, so I was pretty happy. But since I couldn't stop the reformation centers soon enough, now I see myself with a +0.05(in the future I can get to +0.15 or so, idn) IA income, the "give land to the HRE for IA button" is gone(I didn't know this, I could have planned a different thing), and I can't make anyone join the HRE for that 5 or 10 free ia. So how the hell do I do this now?? 6 reforms at a 0.2ia a month will take forever. I know there's a CB to force them to join in the emperor DLC but without it I have no clue how to make this, or if they simply made it this way so you get the DLC. Any tips or ideas?? Thank you.

    By the way english is not my language age so sorry if I made mistakes. Also first time on reddit so more of the same haha.

    submitted by /u/RaTa360
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 01:16 PM PDT

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