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    Sunday, June 27, 2021

    EU4 ✙ EU4 Alt History Mod ☾ - The Cross and the Crescent

    EU4 ✙ EU4 Alt History Mod ☾ - The Cross and the Crescent

    ✙ EU4 Alt History Mod ☾ - The Cross and the Crescent

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Redrew that tech group graph to have the polynesian line follow the same style as the others

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    This is going to be fun

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    We've got a great big convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    I know the AI prefers to attack human players, but this is fucking stupid.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Eu4 noob here, why can't I send my ships to exlpore Africa or America?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    Publius are you okay? Did you hit your head?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Polynesian Infantry is perfectly balanced

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    It's not a true one tag and one faith and it's on the easiest nation to do with but it's my first world conquest and I love it

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    Muscovy has AE with all wasteland provinces, somehow?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    [Project] "Rendering" Videos Using eu4's Timeline

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    There’s always another Habsburg.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Raja of the Rajput Reich!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    Good Korea run

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    Finished all reforms in 1468

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    Revolutionary France in 1792 start date is really fun

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    The weird rebel tag and a possible Star Wars Easter Egg

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    The weird rebel tag and a possible Star Wars Easter Egg

    So I was messing about with the EU4 Rebel tag and I found a few interesting things about it.The tag of all rebels in EU4 appears to be "REB". When you try to switch to them with the command "tag", it unsurprisingly tells you they don't own any provinces.

    REB has no provinces, switch would resign.

    However I have a slight suspicion there might be something else going on here. I tried using the "annex" and "own" commands to give the rebels provinces, but they didn't work, "own" just made the province occupied by Noble Rebels, while "annex" made the entire country occupied by Noble Rebels, in addition to deleting the country's army and changing annexing their navy to the Rebel tag. The flag of the rebel ships was broken and seemingly defaulted to the closest flag I had loaded.

    The weirdness begins...

    Undeterred, I knew what I had to do. I made an uncompressed save and opened it in Sublime Text 3. I used to the replace command to give all of the Ottomans' provinces to the Rebels. Despite the fact they obviously owned land now, the game still tried to convince me that they just didn't exist.

    oh wow

    I started the save up with Byzantium, and interestingly, the game still pretended that the Ottomans existed.


    Right-clicking on the Rebels just opened the diplo screen with the last country I clicked on, and I still couldn't switch to them. I was, however, able to switch to the Ottomans. Despite owning no land, the game let me play, and even let me pretend I still owned my old provinces. I can't interact with them, but they showed up in the States, Development, Local Autonomy and Send Missionary tabs. My force limit was still the same, despite not having land.










    I let a few months go by and the my armies immediately got black-flagged and my navy started blockading my own ports. I started losing lots of money.


    I started a war with Serbia just to see what would happen. they didn't try to siege down any of my provinces and I couldn't siege down any of theirs since my armies were black-flagged.

    no war for you guys


    When suing for peace, the game still pretended that I the Rebel provinces, so I decided to try and give some to my enemies, but I couldn't.


    All of this is very interesting, but I've saved, what is in my opinion, the best, for last. If you try to add a Rebel core to a province, it doesn't do anything, but...

    la guerre des étoiles commence

    Thanks for reading! Hope you found my post interesting <3

    submitted by /u/Interreichtive
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    I didn't know the comet event could have a positive outcome!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    Byzantium 1.31 Guide

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Byzantium is a very popular faction to play for the goal of restoring the old Roman Empire and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. This guide is heavily inspired by videos done by Budget Monk, but with a few revisions and adjustments to it. Please note that I am playing with all DLC (including the secret Purple Pheonix DLC) with the exception of Leviathan and Mare Nostrum.

    There are a couple of things you might want to reroll for. Rerolling isn't necessary, but can make life easier:

    1) Epirus allies a powerful state or Albania (this is the main one)

    2) Your ruler has traits that lower your diplomatic standing

    3) You don't have a fort defense advisor

    Phase 1: The Estates and the Reconquest of Epirus

    You want to get a lot of perks from the Estates.

    1) For Clergy get perks that increase patriarch authority, give Morale bonus when fighting heretics or heathens, and +1 admin point. Take additional perk to get default loyalty above 60.

    2) For Burghers get the discounted loans, trade fleet, and +1 diplo point. Take additional perk to get default loyalty above 60.

    3) Sieze land and call the diet. For Nobility take Supremacy of the council and +1 military point. Take additional perk to get default loyalty above 60, but leave a spot free. Now you will only have a little bit of crown land with negative buffs, but don't worry, we'll conquer new crown land.

    4) If possible set Epirus as a rival along with Venice and Genoa (if Epirus has a good ruler perk and you have a bad one they should be a viable rival).

    5) Hire fort defense advisor and set focus to military points. If willing to going into more debt you can Hire additional advisors. Tax bonus, improve relations, or Spy network advisors are best.

    6) Move forces and fleet to Athens and destroy the fort in Morea. Hire a merc company with gold from loans, preferably one with two or more siege pips.

    7) Declare reconquest war on Epirus. Potential allies are Rhodes, Cyprus, or Ragusa (reroll if anyone else). The first two are good to conquer even if you don't cobelligerent them as they own Greek Othrodox land which will accept your capture and the AE will be small. In the past Rhodes has been most common which is great because beating them early will stop them raiding your coast.

    8) Start building a spy network in Venice and Genoa and guarantee Albania. Once Albania likes you enough to Ally switch to improve relations with the Mamluks. Set you relations with Ottomans to threatened. You might start to receive cash from Ottomans enemies.

    9) Conclude war with Epirus by taking back core, vassalising them, and forcing them to convert religion (sets you up for the next age). Take Rhodes or Cyprus for yourself if possible and delete the fort.

    10) Give nobility strong duchies perk and start improving loyalty of Epirus.

    Phase 2: The Great Reconquest of Greece

    The main gift the developers gave was to make the Ottomans mothball their forts when feeling secure. We will exploit this.

    1) Fresh of your war with Epirus it is time to assault the Ottomans. Move your forces to Morea first and build to force limit. Move your main fleet to Mamara and build galleys when possible. Ally Albania.

    2) Send two transports with 2 units to Constantinople set to arrive the 2nd or 3rd of the month. Then move your army in Morea to arrive in Athens on the 2ne or 3rd of the month. Set defensive edict in Constantinople.

    3) Declare a Reconquest War for Selink on the 1st or 2nd of the month. Both Selink and Nicomedia should have been mothballed and you can capture them quickly. DO NOT call in Albania... yet

    4) Ottomans will move to siege down Constantinople. Should be 30K causing attrition valour. Disease outbreaks are devastating. Once you take Nicomedia get your troops out and carpet siege Greece and Bulgaria with them. Use your main army to besiege Edirne.

    5) Call in Albania only when all Ottoman forces are on Constantinople. Promise them land. Have them link up with your main army after they have their core captured.

    6) Once Europe is secure (sans Gallipoli) you can either march on Ottoman army with Skanderbeg and take your chances (Army on Constantinople might break apart with their capital lost) or move to deal with Ottoman Ally. Aq is most common and best. If you destroy their army and siege their capital (10K required) they will white peace. Crimea is the same but harder. To get to Aq go through Karaman rather than siege Ankara.

    7) Try to get close to 100 war score as possible by capturing Sluga and Ankara. You'll be heavily in debt so you'll want the peace to include all of your cores (sans Burgas), Albania's core, and as much gold as possible. Congratulations on your reconquest. The hardest war is over just before 1450.

    Phase 3: Recovery and cutting truce timers short.

    1) Now at peace consecrate a metropolitan in Thrace and pay off your loans. Paying off special Burgher loans will allow you to redo the perk and get more cash.

    2) Begin improving relations with Turkish Beyliks and Terbizond. Look to see who Ottomans and their Ally (Aq) might attack next. Candar, Karaman, and Trebizond are all likely.

    3) Delete fort in Gallipoli. You don't need it with Constantinople. Build galleys until your fleet has 200 canons. Galley = 14, Light ship = 10, transport = 4.

    4) Take a couple years rest to Lower war exhaustion.

    5) Ottomans probably won't attack nations you guaranteed, unless you are weak. So we'll need to rapidly Ally them.

    6) When Ottomans do Declare war on a Beylik Ally the Beylik and they will call you in before end of the month. Move troops quickly to take Nicomedia and Sluga. Send troops to take Burgas and then Bulgaria.

    7) If the forts are garrisoned before you arrive use your galleys to bombard them and storm them (need 200 canons or about 15 galleys or 13 galleys and 2 light ships). They should only have 160 men if you moved quickly so you can then assault them for minor casualties.

    8) Take Teke next to Karaman and Peace out Ottomans for Burgas, Teke, Sluga, and Nicomedia. You need to take Teke or else the Mamluks might and you don't want to have to fight them to complete a mission for a long time.

    9) Ally Mamluks. You should be strong enough now.

    10) You can repeat this step before Phase 4 for more cash if you want.

    Phase 4: The Great Aegean War/s

    1) It should be close to 1455 so you can wait and diplomatically annex Athens and Epirus. You want their ships. Your spy networks on Genoa and Venice should have allowed you to claim all the Aegean islands.

    2) Hire a naval Morale advisor. If possible take the free oarsmen naval tradition.

    3) Have teams of 2K ready to land on any islands you plan to conquer.

    4) In my game Genoa and Venice allied and I had to fight both. It is doable, but you have to be carful about fleet deployment. For this guide I assume that that happens.

    5) Declare war on Venice vassal Naxos for their capital. Genoa is in the HRE so don't cobelligerent then. If the two aren't allied you'll need to attack an ally of Genoa's later or wait for them to leave the HRE.

    6) With your teams of 2K siege down all Aegean islands not linked by land.

    7) Try to get 7K to Corfu before enemy navies block you. Keep your navy in the Aegean.

    8) Once Aegean islands are taken move towards Ragusa and try to fight Venice in a mountain defense battle. Alternatively have them try to retake Corfu and Once on the island cut then off with your fleet and then best them in battle. They can't retreat and will be totally destroyed.

    9) Once Venetian army is beaten move to siege Dalmatian Fort.

    10) Try to engage enemy fleets piecemeal and don't let them land troops on their Aegean holdings.

    11) Siege down forts all the way to Genoa. Once Genoa is captured separately peace them for their Aegean islands, money, and humiliation (completes age objective).

    12) Peace out Venice for the islands and money. Consider taking Corfu too. Well done, the 2nd hardest war is now over.

    Phase 5: Towards super power status

    1) Core territories captured and consecrate metropolitans. You should have 20 patriarch authority when done. Use it to take icon to lower dev costs.

    2) Develop Constantinople above 30 (age objective) to embrace Renaissance. Build churches and trade ports with your war earnings

    3) Switch to icon for institution embracement and adopt the Renaissance. Offer to share with your Ally the Mamluks for cash.

    4) End Alliance with Albania Once Skanderbeg dies.

    5) Declare war on the Ottomans for Bulgaria. Most like to release Bulgaria as a vassal, but coring permanent claims is cheaper than diplo annexing a vassal and the AE shouldn't be to bad.

    6) If you need more than one war make sure you keep the Hungarians from taking it by securing the lands bordering them.

    7) If you can call in Mamluks exploit the time to seize Cyprus.

    8) A good tactic is to white peace Ottoman Ally early in the war and then attack them after five years to cut down on truce timers with the Ottomans.

    9) Repeat until Ottomans are crushed. Should take two wars to sieze the Bulgaria and three to secure all of Anatolia.

    Phase 5: Notes for the Future

    1) Beware of Agressive Expansion as you cycle wars between Anatolia and the Balkans. Especially true by the time you reach Venice and Northern Italy.

    2) If Naples is still a subject of Aragon consider taking the transfer subject Power. Naples is a great vassal.

    3) Either vassalise or conquer Theodoro and Trebizond.

    4) For ideas focus on military and admin at start. Administrative ideas and Defensive ideas are a good first two. Later take Religious ideas which pair well with Byzantine ideas overall.

    With that I wish you good luck in restoring the Roman Empire.

    submitted by /u/Loyalist77
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    Just trying to do an ireland game where I slowly conquer africa when suddenly....

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    The protestants demand that they should have the pope as their ruler

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Managed to get a 100 tradition, 3-star general and see how he fared in a battle against Aragon. I wasn't disappointed!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    Elder Scrolls Universalis - 2.1.7 Update - Black Marsh & Monuments

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:32 AM PDT

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