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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    EU4 Ah yes war of roses. WAIT WHAT

    EU4 Ah yes war of roses. WAIT WHAT

    Ah yes war of roses. WAIT WHAT


    I can't believe i fell for this. Am i a bot now?


    Cursed image


    George Washington but he crosses more than just the Delaware


    Bolognese run


    Having a good Basileus Attempt. Pause in 1565 and run downstairs for a drink. Came back upstairs to this.


    I made another one of these, but i toyed with adding dates and colonies.


    Day of the Rake


    Why does the ai consistantly roll better than me


    Realised this during my latest playthroug after losing a couple of battles because the ai consistently rolled better than me. Decided to test this theory yesterday by doing the same battle 100 times vs 10 different ai nations. With the help of console commands I set up a 40k vs 40k battle in grasslands with no general and no crossing penalties in the year 1600. I then wrote every roll through the battle (i know took like 5 hours).

    The result: In a 1000 battles vs 10 different nations the ai rolled higher than me in 65% of the time. We rolled the same in 7% of the time and I rolled higer in a meekly 28% of the time. With a fair dice and this many tests you would expect me and the ai to roll the same around 10-12% of the time and higher than eatchoter around 45% of the time. Clearly that isn't the case wiche means the dice isn't fair and paradox have been tampering with the statistics in the code. I could understand this if you play on like very hard or something, bur my test was all done on normal. Anybody have any clue why paradox would do this blatant tampering with the statistic of the dice roll?

    submitted by /u/XxraggexX
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    One century of Ottoman conquests


    Sus Commonwealth


    what the hell spain


    AEIOU Complete! Definitely the hardest achievement I've done yet.


    PU with castile only 6 months into the game... on a save that was only meant to test an exploit regarding free land... I feel guilty for wanting to continue...


    Was looking around, and saw that Khodynt unified Kamchatka!


    the centers of reformation are getting out of control


    I,m gonna pretend I didn't see that army.


    Still friends


    A Fine Goosestep


    A Fine Goosestep

    Closed the book on my second Prussia run this afternoon.

    I did not have any specific achievements I was looking to get, as I already have them for Prussia. Instead, I wanted to just kick around the Ottomans a bit after they had derailed a few other campaigns I was working on previously. Revenge!

    European Political Map View

    World Map

    Campaign Summary

    Started out as Brandenburg, achieved the Ansbach PU and took the required provinces from Teutons. It was on from there. Highlight of the campaign was achieving 148!!!% Discipline. I've never hit that mark before.


    Loads of fun just stack wiping over and over again against Ottomans. I could have expanded much more, but just lost the fire to do so and coasted to the end of the game. We also helped the United States achieve their independence as well as Louisiana, Cuba, Mexico, and Florida (who ended up getting eaten).

    Picked up vassals with reconquest CBs wherever we could including Galicia, Leon, Naples, Poland, and Hungary.

    Here is a link to the time lapse.

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Klaus_GSD
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    Just a casual 57 year siege


    I... what?


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