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    Saturday, March 6, 2021

    EU4 "Europe! Its 4pm, time for your quindecennial depopulation!"

    EU4 "Europe! Its 4pm, time for your quindecennial depopulation!"

    "Europe! Its 4pm, time for your quindecennial depopulation!"

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:17 AM PST

    can someone explain why are they multiplying like that??

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:59 AM PST

    The perfect trade income doesn't exi...

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:28 AM PST

    I finished my Jerusalem run.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 09:32 PM PST

    Desmond inherited Burgundy. Not France, not Austria. Desmond.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:48 AM PST

    I made list of what is worth investing dip in production in years 1444,1500,1600,1700.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:31 AM PST

    I made list of what is worth investing dip in production in years 1444,1500,1600,1700.

    Hello thereToday I tried to make a list which determines what Trade Goods (TG) is most profitable to invest diplomatic points in production. On the wiki page I found the average value of goods, but it was absolutely not modified by the number of years the given price lasts. So I decided to calculate myself what is most profitable. And since I already had it why don't share it :p

    So in general my calculations look like this 1 point on my list is Price times the number of years for which it occurs (e.g. TG worth 4 gold for 10 years till end date = 40 points) all prices of course include global price modifiers (that last 10 or more years) listed on the Wiki: https: //eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Trade_goods


    Few interesting tidbits from me:

    • Chocolate is fricking OP (idk why)...
    • After 1700 Tea, Chinaware, gems, Tropic Wood and Incense will give you same investment return as Naval supplies...
    • After reformation Salt has very similar price to spices ...
    • Investing in gems early gives you more than in fur...
    • Coffee price drops quite rapidly...
    • In 1700 Livestock is surprisingly high...

    What are your thoughts ?

    edit: I'm adding other versions sorted by from biggest to lowest by year




    submitted by /u/Wojtek704
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    Portugal is the junior partner of....Kongo?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Tiger of Mysore

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:20 AM PST

    Scottish Canada with Irish Leader has PU over Scotland

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:28 AM PST

    Lol good luck Cilli

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:16 AM PST

    What trade route changes would you like to see?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:15 AM PST

    Blessed Nation and Prestor John

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:08 PM PST

    Christendom’s fall - An Alternate History Mod for Europe Universalis 4

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:18 AM PST

    In this timeline, Byzantium lost the 718 siege of Constantinople. This left the Balkans open to Muslim expansion, and lead to the conquest of Italy by the Muslims. The crusades focused on the recovery of Rome, rather than Jerusalem, although they still eventually failed.

    Due to the earlier fall of Constantinople, the Great Schism never occurred, and as such whilst Christendom's domains are reduced, they are united under the Pope, from his seat in Canterbury.

    Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Bosnia, Andalusia and Sicily are all Muslim in this timeline, as are the southern parts of Lithuania. Novgorod and the other Russian principalities are Christian whilst Norse remnants survive in Scandinavia, alongside far more Pagans in Eastern Europe.

    The Eight Great Powers at the start of the game are:

    1. Ming
    2. France
    3. Mamluks
    4. Andalusia
    5. England
    6. Sicily
    7. Timurids
    8. Poland

    The Electors of the Holy Roman Empire are

    • Pomerania
    • Brandenburg
    • Saxony
    • Bohemia
    • Bavaria
    • The Palatinate
    • (Swabia)

    A brief overview of the starting situation in Western Europe


    Four decades of religious strife with England over the great schism have finally concluded in shameful disgrace for France. Whilst allowed to retain the title of Defender of the Catholic faith, the papacy has been cemented in Canterbury. This defeat has been largely due to the poor leadership of Edouard III Plantagenet, the negligent King of France.

    Whilst Edouard's father, Henri IV won a series of victories in the schismatic wars, and forced the powerful Dukes of Burgundy and Brittany to acknowledge his overlordship, as well as pacifying the rebellious region of Toulouse, the seat of remains of the deposed Capetian dynasty. Edouard's ineffective rule has lead to the Dukes of Burgundy and Brittany and the Comte de Toulouse becoming effectively independent.

    Edouard has also failed to produce a male heir. Should he die before birthing a son, Edouard's powerful uncles, the Dukes of Normandy and Gascony may plunge the realm into civil war.


    Four decades of religious strife with France have finally concluded with an English victory, largely due to the failures of the new French King. This has left the papacy solidly under English control in Canterbury.

    Preoccupied with wars with France, English control over Ireland has shrunken markedly, with England's dominion reduced to a thin strip of land known as the Pale, and the Lords of Kildare, Ormond and Desmond, who still recognise English authority.

    Whilst the other nations of Europe have emptied their coffers from war, England has been able to establish a rich trade network, stretching from Novgorod to London, however this is under threat from both the Kingdom of Denmark who control the entrance to the Baltic, and the Hanseatic league, protected by the Holy Roman Empire. Unless England acts soon, they may see their rich trading interests in the Baltic lost forever.

    The Holy Roman Empire

    A century of rivalry between the Wittlesbachs, Habsburgs and Luxembourgs finally came to a head in the Schismatic wars. Germany was devastated by French armies along the Rhine, and internal strife, however the battles within Germany were finally concluded at Regensburg, when Bavaria and the Palatine were finally forced to surrender, and France was defeated outside the walls of Luxembourg a short while later.

    There were further ills to be visited on the Holy Roman Empire however, with the Italian army's defeat at Siena, and the death of the Italian King, Filippo a few days afterwards. Central authority in Italy collapsed, and a Sicilian army entered Switzerland. The Muslim invasion provided the spark necessary to unite the Holy Roman Empire, and the invading army was repulsed.

    The defeat of the Muslim invasion lead to further issues, due to the extinction of the line of the Prince-Electors of Swabia, leading to a collapse of central authority in the region. The Habsburgs of Austria press their right to an electorate, long denied to them by successive Holy Roman Emperors of the Wittlesbach and Luxembourg dynasties.

    Perhaps worst for the Empire is the succession crisis engulfing the Duchy of Luxembourg, who also rule as Kings of Bohemia and Dukes of Babrant, as well as Holy Roman Empire. The ailing Charles V's only child is a daughter, who whilst accepted by the nobility of both Bohmeia and Babrant would cost the House of Luxembourg any chance of retaining the Imperial Throne. Charles V also has a sister, who married the powerful Bohemian Lord Jiri Podebrad. Podebrad could succeded Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohmeia, but the nobility of Babrant will refuse to accept a Bohemian as King. Perhaps worst of all, there are rumours that Podebrad is a secret Hussite, which could plunge the Holy Roman Empire back into religious war, in which few nations would side with a heretical Bohemia. The final possible choice is Henry Luxembourg, a distant relative of the present King, who is acceptable to the Nobility of Babrant. However Henry is unpopular within Bohemia, whose nobility threaten to elect a Bohemian King in his stead.

    The Emirate of Andalusia

    Andalusia has spent the last 700 years in an almost constant state of war against the remaining Catholic kingdoms of Iberia, however they have been gradually losing ground to the Spanish Kings and their French allies. The lost of the city of Porto to Asturias is a particularly humiliating one, though it may soon be rectified.

    First however, Andalusia faces pressing succession issues, Yusuf, a once-loyal relative, is rumoured to be raiding an army. Such a war might leave Andalusia once again vulnerable to Christian invasion, a disaster that it cannot afford.

    Should Andalusia overcome their initial difficulties, a successful conquest of all Iberia may finally come to fruition.

    The Emirate of Sicily

    Sicily has had a tumultuous history, established by Muslim adventurers after the fall of Byzantium, it conquered the Italian peninsula as far north as Pisa, before being driven into exile by the Normans, and reduced to a client state of the Egyptians in all but name. Now Sicily is on the rise again, having successfully reconquered most of the peninsula from the Kingdom of Italy.

    With the death of the Italian King, Filippo at Siena, northern Italy has been plunged into chaos, leaving it ripe for the taking. However the Italian states seek the protection of the Holy Roman Empire, which might make such an invasion impossible to do successfully.

    Sicily have other issues, despite a series of capable monarchs and large domains, seven centuries of war over Italy has left it desolate and poor, with few large cities and almost no trade. Whilst Sicily may secure their borders by expansion, without rebuilding Italy it will be an empty prize.


    Poland has spent the past century as a power in decline. Defeats in Slovakia against Hungarian troops and inconclusive struggles with the Holy Roman Empire has left Poland isolated, with their only significant ally in Lithuania. Whilst Poland and Lithuania have long attempted to present a united front against their many enemies, however dynastic disputes and powerful nobles has prevented this from ever coming to fruition.

    Poland has recently acquired the March of Moldavia in wars against the Bulgars, which now serves as a powerful shield against Muslim threats. However the current stable situation cannot last forever, as both the Bulgars and Hungarians are on the verge of another war.

    Further to the North-East, lie the Russian principalities, the most powerful of which, Muscovy has become a powerful and rapidly expanding state. Whilst this Muscovites have primarily focused on wars against Mongol Khans and other Russian princes, they may soon turn their attention to Lithuania, and after that perhaps even Poland itself.

    With recent Polish success against the Bulgars, Poland has been able to establish the March of Moldavia, serving as a shield against Muslim armies from the balkans.


    With the death of King Filippo, Italy has been thrown into chaos. Central authority has collapsed and the Powerful Duke of Savoy and League of Venice, as well as a series of minor Duchies have become independent. Whilst the Kingdom of Italy struggles to reassert their authority, the Italian states look to the Holy Roman Empire for protection against both the Kingdom of Italy and the Emirate of Sicily.

    The regency council of Italy have been left with three options, to crown the infant son of the former King, another Filippo, to proclaim an independent Republic or to dissolve the Kingdom of Italy and crown Filippo Duke of Milan, and try and join the Holy Roman Empire.

    Should Filippo become King, upon his ascension to the Throne he will be able to reunite the Kingdom, however that may lead him into conflict with the Emirate of Sicily and The Holy Roman Empire.

    If anyone has any questions about the history, please ask. If anyone is knowledgeable about The Kievan Rus and Russian Principalities and is willing to help with the mod, please tell me. If anyone can either direct me towards either good modding tutorials, or is willing to help explain and work on the actual modding of the mod, please tell me, as I have minimal actual modding experience.

    If I can actually get this off the ground, then the first progress report will be on the HRE, initial succession crises, Kingdom of Italy, and a more complete version of the Religious, Political and Development Map Modes, as well as the beginnings of a timeline.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/AManofTheWatch
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    I just got Caterina Sforza as Tunis

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:08 AM PST

    Well that's the end of my Avar Khaganate run :/

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Ship boarding doctrine in a nutshell

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:43 PM PST

    A different shade of yellow

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:24 AM PST

    Avar Khaganate + This is Persia (Very Hard)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:25 AM PST

    A blessed nation!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:26 AM PST

    Not sure if it is a bug, but my new vassal get +86% LB for unknown reasons

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:49 AM PST

    I am a generous Sun God

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Update the Jewish religion

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Hey Guys,

    I know this is pretty insignificant, but since zoroastrian, totemist, and Sikh are all getting revamped in the new patch i wanna write out a good recommendation for the devs for how to update the Jewish faith. I have some ideas but mostly wanna create a discussion for the community and see if we can come up with some ideas. My goal is that the ideas should meet a few criteria.

    1. Should make the Jewish faith more playable.
    2. Should be broadly agreeable to the community.
    3. Shouldn't be too much work for the devs.

    If we can come up with 1 or more ideas that meet that I'll recommend it on the suggestion board n post a link.

    Anyway here are some of my general ideas:

    Idea 1- rename things to add some flavor. The Jewish clergy estate is called the clergy (which doesn't make sense) and the Jewish holy buildings are called temples which is kinda generic. Overall it comes off kind of dull and none immersive. Why not rename things so that they sound more unique.

    Idea 2- Jewish modifiers are generally ok but not super useful, maybe rework those to be more trade focused. Unless theres some specific reasons they get plus 1 advisors.

    Idea 3- add a unique feature that would give flavor to the religion. Maybe give a Jewish nation a permanent claim on Jerusalem or -10% cost for markets. Something thats interesting without being full mechanics. I assume this would be easier.

    Idea 4- update the scenario starts. This is pretty minor since most player start at 1444. But the devs added the "surge of sephardic immigrants" event that turns selanik Jewish in the 1490s and said it was historically accurate, so the province should start as Jewish in the 1508 scenario. Not a big change, but might make for an interesting ottomans run.

    Idea 5- events. This would be too long to discuss in the post and I'm interested in hearing ideas from the community.

    Those are my general thoughts, please share yours. I really do want to create a discussion and get some good idea to recommend to the devs.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/B-Boy_Shep
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    If I declare war on someone and make one of their HRE allies a co-belligerent, will this allow the Emperor to come to their aid?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PST

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