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    Friday, March 26, 2021

    EU4 Colonial trade nodes charts: I made these charts in order to better plan the future expansions of my colonial empires. May be helpfull, especially for beginners.

    EU4 Colonial trade nodes charts: I made these charts in order to better plan the future expansions of my colonial empires. May be helpfull, especially for beginners.

    Colonial trade nodes charts: I made these charts in order to better plan the future expansions of my colonial empires. May be helpfull, especially for beginners.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    TIL you can view casualties for individual nations by clicking their flag in the casualties popup

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Finally did the WC, felt good clicking that button

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    After so long I finally refored the Roman Empire as byzatium.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    1490+ hours in. Finally finished the tutorial

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    Got my inflation down to zero. Huzzah!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    After focusing on my campaigns in Middle East and Italy, I decided to see what's going on in the New World. Was not expecting this in 1662.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    Russia, stop. You're 190 years ahead of schedule...

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    Delhi is picky today.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    I was looking through my old screenshots and found this very cursed Europe.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Every Romeo and Juliet reference in Veronese ideas

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    I was browsing the wiki when I stumbled upon the Veronese idea "Some Shall Be Pardoned, Some Punished", which lead me to find all (most?) of the other references as well. Enjoy!

    The first four ideas...

    Idea 1: Three Households alike in dignity

    Idea 2: In Fair Verona

    Idea 3: Ancient Grudge

    Idea 4: Civil Blood and Civil Hands

    ...are a reference to the prologue, the first four lines of which go thus:

    Two households, both alike in dignity,
    In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
    From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
    Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

    Idea 1's description reads:

    [...] Like the moon, the powerbase in Verona is inconstant and changing.

    Which is a reference to the famous balcony scene in Act 2 Scene 2, where Juliette tells Romeo not to swear by the moon as it is "inconstant and changing"

    O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,
    That monthly changes in her circled orb,
    Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.

    Idea 2 has a meta reference instead, reading:

    The skyline of Verona is truly breathtaking, the ideal location for an aspiring playwright to set his tragic tale. [...]

    Idea 3 has no clear reference I can find in its description unless you want to consider the following such:

    Our rivalry with the Venetians can be traced back for generations.

    Furthermore the description of Idea 4 goes:

    [...] we can rest assured that if we ever fall under foreign power again, our people shall spill their own blood to restore the republic! Truly these are violent delights for us with violent ends for our oppressors.

    This is a reference to Act 2 Scene 6 where Friar Laurence is giving advice about love to Romeo before marrying him to Juliette in secret.

    These violent delights have violent ends
    And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
    Which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey
    Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
    And in the taste confounds the appetite:
    Therefore love moderately; long love doth so;
    Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.

    Idea 5: Ending the Strife

    The actual text only mentions the conflict between the two houses as a "strife" once in the prologue, following directly from the previous quote:

    From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
    A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
    Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
    Do with their death bury their parents' strife.

    However, the description of the idea mirrors the conclusion of the play (and thematically many other idea descriptions reference it to lesser and greater degrees as well.

    Though we have much reason to hold a grudge against the Republic of Venice, we must collect ourselves and find a solution ot the strife between our two nations. The obvious solution is toremove the republic from the face of God's green Earth, but some of the moderate types within our nation insist we must learn to coexist with the Venetians before it brings plague upon both our houses.

    The highlighted part at the end is also itself a reference to Act III Scene 1 in which Mercutio is dying and curses both houses:

    I am hurt.
    A plague o' both your houses! I am sped.
    Is he gone, and hath nothing?

    He repeats the curse again...

    No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a
    church-door; but 'tis enough,'twill serve: ask for
    me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I
    am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague o'
    both your houses! 'Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a
    cat, to scratch a man to death! a braggart, a
    rogue, a villain, that fights by the book of
    arithmetic! Why the devil came you between us? I
    was hurt under your arm.

    ...and a third time during the scene.

    Help me into some house, Benvolio,
    Or I shall faint. A plague o' both your houses!
    They have made worms' meat of me: I have it,
    And soundly too: your houses!

    Basically Mercutio spends a lot of time dying and complaining about dying.

    Idea 6: Some Shall be Pardoned, Some Punished

    Idea 7: Never Was a There a Tale of More Woe

    The play ends on the words of Prince Escalus:

    A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
    The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
    Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
    Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
    For never was a story of more woe
    Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

    And the description of Idea 7 includes the following:

    We shall not rush to the sea. We shall go wisely and slowly, for those who rush only stumble and fall.

    Which is a reference to Friar Laurence's words from Act 2 Scene 2

    Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.

    submitted by /u/GalaXion24
    [link] [comments]

    All I know is that I must go fast.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    The Second Holiest Sight of Islam, Medina, Converted to Sikhism.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    If there was to be an EU5 in the future, would you want mana?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Personally I think mana is a good and fundamental part of EU's gameplay and the style of the game. It makes the game feel like a boardgame, and I like having to balance where i put my mana.

    What are some features you think should definately be brought over, and what features removed?

    submitted by /u/XythionKotina
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    Gaining the rising sun achievement as Dalmatia (formed Italy at the last moment)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    Probably the worst thing I've ever done

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    Imagine how many disease outbreaks can happen rapidly...

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    HRE more like hREEEEEEE

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    First time seeing a successful HRE after reformation

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Nice throne you got there France... you want to... give it to me?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    If you don't hate yourself how can you improve?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Thai Canal

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I think that this would be an interesting addition to the game. In addition to creating a Suez Canal, a Panama Canal, and a Kiel Canal, why not a Thai Canal which connects the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand? This has been proposed before:


    submitted by /u/fr33d0m999
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    State of the Forgotten Land Mod - Dev Diaries & The South Africa/Madagascar Update

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    State of the Forgotten Land Mod - Dev Diaries & The South Africa/Madagascar Update

    Hello everyone, EmperorCrap here. The Forgotten Land development team wants to make just a few announcements. Firstly, despite the lack of DDs, the mod is still being heavily worked on. We encountered some issues with our developers and couldn't push out the update at the given time, unfortunately. However, we have still done some work and intend to launch the update in the coming weeks. One of our developers, Visegrad, will quickly go over what we've made so far that hasn't been posted to Reddit.

    Hey guys, I'm Visegrad. I'm one of the developers for the mod, and I'd like to show you what we've been working on for South Africa. We'll go over some changes we've made to the region.


    As you can see, South Africa is now a colonial region. So if you colonize it, a colonial nation will form. However, won't this affect trade? Currently, the Cape of Good Hope is one of the most important trade notes because most of the trade from Asia flows there to Europe.

    *Localizations and modifiers are subject to change

    Well, if you have a colony there, it will be turned into a Cape Colony instead. Historically, the Cape Colony was run by the VOC trade company. To represent it, a new special subject type has been created. The Cape Colony has lower liberty desire and allows diverting trade, so your precious trade from Asia won't be affected. It also gives better bonuses than a normal colony that scales by colony size, mainly trade range and trade steering.

    *Localizations and modifiers are subject to change

    *Localizations and modifiers are subject to change

    Now, let's continue. There's a new culture, and any independent country with Dutch, Flemish, or Frisian culture can decide to embrace Afrikaner culture.


    South Africa has been created as a formable with unique ideas. It's primary culture is Afrikaner.

    South African ideas.

    There will be new provinces added that will be talked about in the next diary. Until then, goodbye!

    Secondly, we're going to resume and stick to weekly DDs posted weekly on Tuesday. Do note that our first DD under this schedule will be next Tuesday, the 6th of April, rather than this upcoming Tuesday.

    Finally, I'd like to thank the 2,000+ people who have downloaded the mod. This number is insane and far more than what we ever expected. We are well underway in developing South Africa and the next region we plan to cover, and I hope we can continue to provide enjoyable content for the community.

    submitted by /u/EmperorCrap
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:29 PM PDT

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