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    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : September 01 2020

    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : September 01 2020

    'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : September 01 2020

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    In this thread, you can post a maps from your games, and other players can try to guess who you're playing, what year it is, and any other info you specify. Please only post maps in top-level comments.

    Such posts outside this thread will be removed by the moderators.

    Click here to see past threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Literally unplayable

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I finally climbed the three mountains, with 70 years left to enjoy the view!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Bold and Brash

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    kongo can into space

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Runs in the Family

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Sir! We need more horses! * goes to the steppes and steals horses *

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Catholics rule the World

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Lanfang is going to be formable with unique government type

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    So... Pope has moved capital to Cotentin

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    New Religion for Australia

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    My luck, got the sale of Neumark but, of course, Particularists occupied Neumark so I didn't even get the whole thing

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    What's a true historical feat that must have been impossible to accomplish without a few restarts and a bit of save-scumming?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    So, we're all acquainted with the shady practices of quasi-cheating in Paradox games. What are some real instances which you assume so unlikely to have happened (say, where all circumstances fell into place so neatly) to the point of sounding like they're taken directly from the game?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_FANTASYMAP
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    haha funny eu4 number

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Guys my France is looking a little weird, any suggestions?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Finally finished my first full EU4 run! With saves and reloads but i'm still proud of the result

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Development Diary - 1st of September 2020

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Hey kids do you like borders

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    AI Norway trying to recreate the north sea empire

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    This is my Mare Nostrum, there are many like it, this one is mine!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    It'd be cool if the releasable Chinese nations that previously held the Mandate for decent lengths of time before 1444 (Tang, Jin, and Zhou) had unique ideas to represent their periods of rule rather than having generic Chinese ideas.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    There are a lot of Chinese nations in the game, far more than a lot of people even ever see, and hidden amongst them are some historically important ones. The Tang, for example, were far more interested in westward expansion and spheres of influence than any other Han Chinese dynasty, somewhat famously having fought a war with the Abassids over the control of central Asia. The Zhou, conversely, weren't as big as later dynasties, but they were the first. They invented the Mandate of Heaven, and had the longest rule of any dynasty, lasting 790 years.

    There are so many Chinese nations, but picking one other than Ming, Qing, or Yuan is literally just a case of 'pick your favourite flag/map colour'. Of all of the releasable Chinese nations, only Shun and Miao have unique ideas, which doesn't make too much sense to me. They don't all need unique ideas, it'd just be nice to have something of a difference between the Chinese kingdoms that were actually historically important and the ones that weren't.

    submitted by /u/Fungus_Time
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    What was your greatest comeback in EU4?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    The Definition of Ambitious: Uzbek.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Literally unplayable

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

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