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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    EU4 Cool Lord of the Rings reference in french mission tree

    EU4 Cool Lord of the Rings reference in french mission tree

    Cool Lord of the Rings reference in french mission tree

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Your always see the 1k hours, 10k hours, WC or all achievements posts but your ever reached this milestone?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Game doesn't expect you to form Prussia with another nation other than Brandenburg clearly...

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    My disappointment with the Great Holy War CB is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    One of the completely overlooked aspects of the new patch in my opinion (because it's a European-centric patch/expansion) was the addition of the 'Integration of the Sohei' reform for Japanese theocracies. I'd never really thought about playing a Japanese theocracy before (because why would you), but I looked at this new reform and it gives 5% discipline, 5% infantry combat ability, and 10% merc manpower. Now, it's long been known that there are plenty of Japanese daimyos with excellent military ideas and traditions, so I thought 'y'know what, the idea of a Japanese theocracy sounds like a fun idea, super-samurai forcefully spreading Shinto via war throughout the Asian lands'. I decided to go with Amago because Oda is... *Oda-rated*, and because Izumo was where Shinto faithfuls believe the first Japanese Emperor was given birth by the gods (they even have an idea relating to it giving +2 tolerance of the true faith).

    The one downside of this idea was that Amago is quite possibly one of the hardest immediate starts I've ever played, getting instantly declared on by Yamana or Hosokawa (or Yamana *and* Hosokawa in one attempt) where the only ally I could reliably get was Kono, and therefore it took several attempts to have a start where I could manipulate things so I didn't just die. Fast forward several irl hours and I've finally united Japan (not the decision), conquered Ainu, made it so I was not Shogun (if you don't pick the Independent Daimyo reform after conquering Ashikaga you don't become Shogun and can therefore flip to theocracy), changed to a theocratic state, and eventually got down to the final reform (The Global Crusade) which combined with the Deus Vult idea (which I took) gives you the Great Holy War on any heathen/heretic nation in the world. And as I'm the only Shinto nation, that should be on everyone. Emphasis on the should. It took me half a day to get to the point I'm at now, my military is built up, my fleets are built up, I'm ready to crusade, I go to declare a great holy war on a 'half-conquered by Jianzhou' Korea... only for the CB to not show up. I do a bit of research and find out that it only appears for countries with a province war-score total of 100% or less.

    Now, that makes sense (somewhat) in Europe, because it was probably entirely balanced around re-converting the HRE princes and Maghrebi muslims to Catholic by the Papal States, but c'mon Paradox, I can't even use the CB on a half-conquered Korea? Literally the only nation I have the CB on that's even remotely close enough to bother crusading is Donghai, and that just seems kinda pathetic. I have the CB on most of India, the Burmese nations, heck, I could even take Exploration ideas, sail all the way round to Offaly and make them Shinto, but I wanted to convert Korea, and Ming, and Mongolia, not have to take specific ideas to sail round to the other side of the world to make the first Shinto HRE prince (as funny as that'd be). And by-the-by, this is with the 40% cost reduction from the Global Crusade reform *and* the 25% cost reduction from the CB itself. I just kinda feel really let down because I was actually really looking forward to this new, unique (as far as I'm aware) way to play a Japanese nation this patch, and it turns out to be hot garbage because of how the CB goal is scaled in terms of cost. My day is quite literally ruined.

    TL;DR: Great Holy War CB is balanced purely for converting the HRE back to catholic and seems pretty darned useless for countries that aren't in Europe.

    submitted by /u/Mega_Whimsicott
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    It is finally complete. My soul can rest. 100% achievements.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Why does this shit never happen when I play in Europe?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Star wars top reference

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    The United Provinces of The Netherlands, anno. 1795

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Ah yes 3/3/3 Tech Dulkadir in 1630

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    So I accidentally named her Mary instead of Marie so I couldnt get the achievment

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    To celebrate 1.302 I thought I'd upload a map of 1320s. Because close enough.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Do AI Ottomans seem almost pacifistic to anyone else in Emperor?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    So you can also sack the Curia Treasury if you sack Rome

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Ah yes a normal game as ��ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ��ᒲᔑリᒷᒲ!¡╎∷ᒷ

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    How did this happen?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Had to conquer Russia just to read my dynasty

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    This patch is broken (and Austria isn't the problem)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I decided to give this patch a try despite not owning the DLC and seeing all of the broken stuff. I played as Byzantium in the hopes of finally getting their achievement. It was a bit slow off the start but after surviving the Ottomans attack I was able to eventually start an offensive war and get my cores back. Everything was fine until that point. After I acquired my cores everything became apparent.

    *This patch is broken*

    I got rid of the Albanians as an ally to take their land for the mission tree. While I was waiting the Mamluks destoryed the Ottomans. Okay, nothing too strange. Except it was. Albania was now a prince in the HRE. I can't expand there anymore. Bullshit but whatever. Okay, fuck it I'll go after the Mamluks instead, I'll just hire mercs and win. They only have about 10,000 more troops and Austria will join.

    Again, this patch is broken.

    Austria did literally nothing despite being the number one world power at this point (they owned half of France, the entire lowlands and most of Bohemia). They spent 90% of the war running around Hungary chasing down 2k AQ stacks that fled the entire time. Meanwhile the Mamluks lost their brain and hired 80% of their army as mercs because FUCK THE PLAYER.


    I later found them to be in *no exaggeration* 10,000+ debt from this single war. Even in peace they never got rid of their mercs, only reducing them to about 30,000 total.

    Okay, whatever, it's complete bullshit but whatever. I still have strong allies for defensive wars even if they can't help me offensively.


    I was allied to a huge Russia, strong Castille and OP Austria. What could go wrong? How about they all break my alliance when a tiny coalition fires? I'm not even exaggerating when I say this, despite all of them being at peace they all said no to joining. How many troops did the enemy have? 110k of which the Mamluks was about 90k of those troops. I alone had 70k and together we would have had over 220k total if they joined. Yet they all said fuck it and dipped. Why?

    Because despite being massive world super powers they were all 5000+ in debt. Literally all of them. This patch broke so many things and the economy management for the Ai is the worst. The Ai don't understand how to use the new mercs. They just spam them and go broke after a single war. I did get the achievement but holy shit was it unfun. Fix your shit paradox.

    TL:DR The economy is broken beyond belief for AI and merc spam is still broken because of it (just in a different way). Plus, HRE is dumb AF and literally any small catholic nation joins.

    Here's the end of this shit campaign, I'm taking a break until this cancer is fixed.


    submitted by /u/Boohobooho
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    Burgundy in the 1.30.2 Patch-The 80 Years (of) War

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    The Burgundian State. What a magnificent and powerful realm, with a host of delicious territories in the best trade node in the game, a 5-5-5 starting ruler, and a pumped up mission tree that is all but guaranteed to lead you to dominance in Western Europe. Yet Burgundy, despite its apparent power and strategic location, is in fact quite delicate. This is a guide to help you navigate your way through the trials and tribulations of the early game and leave you in a comfortable position, if not a Great Power, by the early 1500s.

    Starting Position and Diplomacy

    Your first order of business should be dismantling all of the forts you have outside of West/East Burgundy, granting advisor cost privileges, and recruiting advisors, ideally the morale military advisor if possible. You have a great starting ruler, but Phillip usually doesn't last long-I have had games where he is kaput in December of 1444. Also don't forget to toggle on support loyalists to finish one of your missions for claims on Lorraine.

    Burgundy starts with the 3 Personal Unions of Holland, Flanders, and Brabant, as well as the vassal of Nevers. Unfortunately for you, this means that 4 out of your starting 5 diplo relations have been taken up. This leaves you with the choice of restricting yourself to 1 ally or paying diplo points for going over the cap. I usually resign myself to going one over the cap two secure two alliances: one with the Emperor, i.e. Austria, and one with either England or Aragon (Castille may also work if they are rivalled to France, but I prefer Aragon for other reasons). England has a high tendency to rival you at the start of the game but if you do manage to ally them they are a preferred ally for the opening phase. This will allow you to complete the first mission in the French section of the mission tree, which in addition to rivalling and insulting France will give you access to the League of Public Weal. But hold off on that for now, and set some provinces in France as provinces of interest.

    The Surrender of Maine

    The Surrender of Maine, assuming the English do not simply hand it over, is your first opportunity to attack France. If you are allied to England, they will call you in with promise of land. If you are allied to someone else, wait for France and England to start fighting actively before you attack France for the claims you received through the mission tree (while calling in you ally with province of land, this may require insulting/rivaling England as well). Before the war starts/you accept the call to arms, recruit some mercenary bands to augment your troops, turn on cooperative, and wait for morale to replenish.

    Your first objective is to occupy Provence's land between your lands so that you can maneuver between your territories properly. Once you do so, you want to preserve your troops while the French troops scatter across France sieging down English or your provinces. You want to attack the French stacks when they are isolated and sieging down castles. Your starting 10% morale, especially when combined with the morale advisor, gives you a massive military advantage even before tech 4 against the French. After smashing their stacks once or twice, you should be able to start sieging down Paris.

    I advise peacing out with Provence and France relatively quickly. In the case of Provence, i would either transfer Lorraine to yourself, or if you were able to cobelligerence them, you can take the provinces of Barrois as well. In the case of France, I would take one of Champagne's cores and at least one other province as well as war reps. You will likely have to screw over your ally, which is why I like having England or Aragon (as Aragon will probably get PUd and England will be a future target). Release Champagne so you can use its cores in the following war, take the noble privilege of increased diplomatic relations/liberty desire, integrate Nevers to offset the diplo relation, and start improving relations with all the French vassals. Congratulations, you've survived the hardest part.

    The Fight for France

    As you improve relations to satisfy the League of Public Weal mission, repay whatever loans and prepare for the next war. France is likely weakened but not weakened enough for England to win the war (perhaps taking a province or two at the most), which is an ideal situation. Before the war starts, trigger the acceptance of the League of Public Weal and declare a reconquest war for the rest of Champagne's cores. Your objective this time around is to destroy the French Army and quickly retake the cores + Paris. Repeat the tactics from the last war, but focus only on destroying French armies if possible. This will cause the vassal states to be disloyal and stop participating in the war, which will make it much easier for you to win.

    Don't be afraid to take out multiple loans before hiring mercs-the French land is rich and you will be able to afford it. Once complete, you should be able to finish the last mission in the French tree, which will give you a massive morale boost and transfer all of those uppity vassals to you. Your diplomatic relations will be a bit of a disaster but just manage as best you can.

    Once this is complete, it is likely that either England, Castile, or Aragon will go in and attack a badly weakened France. This is a good thing. You want to get France below 100% war score so you can vassalize them in the following war, which should be doable by 1480s. If you have time, you can reconquest the French cores from England or Aragon, but you may not have time before...

    The Burgundian Succession

    Burgundy starts the game with a debuff that makes it very difficult to get an heir. This is not to say that you can't get an heir (for instance, if you get the Lux Stella or the Child in the Reeds event) but normal heirs do not appear. The heir also needs to appear early: if the year is 1473 or later, and the heir is not yet 15, the Marie of Burgundy event will fire, giving you Marie as an heir. We absolutely want the Burgundian Succession to fire, but we do want to control the timing. This means that we may have to keep Charles the Bold, our 2-0-4 monarch, for some time. If you want more time, don't make him a general: if you want to speed it up, make him a general.

    Upon the death of Charles, the Burgundian Succession will fire. We have up to four choices, assuming you have followed this guide so far and some kind of space magic didn't happen with Austria.

    a) Stay Independent. What will happen is France will be very, very likely declare war on you with the Restoration of Union cb, even if they are your vassal or subject. The war should be winnable (especially if Austria is still your ally) but you will have to revassalize France, which requires more AE. In addition, while you will get an event where the Emperor demands the Lowlands, the Great Privilege event is probably better as it allows you to simply inherit those Low Countries PUs, albeit with a privilege you will need to revoke in 20 years. This is probably the standard approach, but with the current strategy it is less than ideal as you end up spending a lot of AE for little reason and still have your diplomatic relations slots completely clogged up.

    b) Union with the Emperor: Inherit every one of your subjects that are either French or in the HRE. In practice, this should be all of them. However, you are now the junior partner of Austria and will be doomed to fight them in the near future. Not to mention that there is also a chance that you will be balkanized due to the Imperial incident. France may also declare war for the union if they exist, but if you had vassalized France, this won't happen. Not recommended.

    c) Union with a marriage partner. Same result as b), except that the Emperor can demand the lowlands from your partner, and your partner may give in, ceding your lowland territory back to the empire. Also not recommended. Which leaves us with...

    d) Union with France. Ah, here we go. Let's see what this does for us.

    i) Inherit all subjects, as in b). So if we vassalized France, we inherit France as well.
    ii) Forms union with France.
    iii) Austria sends a demand to our overlord for the Lowlands.

    However, because i) is higher in the event chain than ii), ii) never happens. And because our overlord now doesn't exist, iii) never happens either. So we inherit all of our land immediately, reset our diplomatic relations (which means we have to re-ally our allies, but also that our rivals get reset), and most interestingly we get a new ruler: the existing ruler of France, whether they be a normal ruler or a consort. In 1.30.1, this would bug out the Burgundian mission tree. In 1.30.2, this is no longer the case.

    For additional cheese, if you have time, you can replace the French ruler with someone from your own dynasty, thus preserving the Bourgogne name. Or perhaps you want the Valois dynasty instead, or perhaps you want a new one, or perhaps you want to keep that 6-6-6 ruler that France has. It's all up to you!

    At this point, you should now have most of France under your direct control, with the rest of the world your oyster. You can enter the Empire, or perhaps start colonizing, or you can just blob like crazy. Nobody can stop you at this point, short of a grand coalition. Just remember, either you die a Burgundy, or you live long enough to become a France.

    Addendum: The Dutch Revolt

    The moment you inherit all the Dutch provinces, the Dutch revolt will start progressing, and by progressing I mean it can be as high as 7 progress per month. You need to be prepared to deal with it immediately. Luckily, the old tactic of moving capital still defuses the revolt, so save up 200+ admin points and move your capital to Bruges or Ghent (the two Flanders provinces). This also moves your trade node to the English Channel, boosting your income.

    submitted by /u/ParkSungJun
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    Poland defeated the Ottomans

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Martinus II Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Well... those are the isles too

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    I don't even know where to start

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:23 AM PDT

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