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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    EU4 I am the senate

    EU4 I am the senate

    I am the senate

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:59 AM PST

    Florence-Tuscany-Egypt gameplay

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:19 AM PST

    Yep that's definitely Russia, nothing to see here.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:29 AM PST

    Bewegungskrieg - Max Movement Speed Germany

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:52 AM PST

    INSANE Croatia created by Ragusa <3

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

    i cant wait for the 21st century

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

    How the turntables.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:42 PM PST

    I feel like I'm playing HOI4

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:17 AM PST

    Its beloozero in a lot of places

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:31 AM PST

    Times New Roman

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:07 PM PST

    Why I don't feel like losing?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:47 AM PST

    install no one

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    For ideas guy, New World + Siberian Frontiers is a bit silly

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I did this in ironman with only 200 hours, with no idea how most of the game worked, promptly lost to gujarat and have not been able to replicate it since. very proud of it though.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:15 AM PST

    Austria the ELONGATED

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    ‘Shahanshah’ into ‘This is Persia’ Run

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:09 AM PST

    Ottomans got some balls.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    This is where the fun begins.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    no thats not Floridia thats California

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    We might have to dunkirk this one bois

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Ahhh! The weird contact between the Incas and the Mamluks of 1601!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:49 AM PST

    What has my Ideas Guy run gone to.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:49 AM PST

    White Sun is rising : The Re-reconquista guide.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:18 AM PST

    At this guide i will try to answer all your possible questions about the achievement and will help you to form lost flag of Ä°berian region.

    First of all let me tell you achievement conditions. You have to start with Granada and after forming AlAndalus must conquer all Iberia with your name. Playing as released vassal prevents this achievement.


    Granada: to be honest pretty weak country. Being nearby Castile, Aragon and Portugal triangle is a hotspot and challenging. At the beginning has a truce with enemies and 9 forcelimit and a few ships.

    Castile : pretty strong comparison to your country. Allies portugal everytime and %50 chance rivals Aragon or not. Ä°ts important to have them rival to Aragon. For begining its a must. Ä°f they are not rival quit the game and open again.

    Portugal : ally with England and Castile. After cede Maine event burgundy will attack England for calais and Portugal involves in this war most cases. After that gets weak because burgundy will beat him for warscore. Note that opportunity also because we will need it.

    Aragon: strong as much as castile plus has more forcelimit because of Naples is Junior partner under them. Ä°f rivaled with castile and pope thats best choice. But rival with Castile is a must.

    Morocco : strong but has vassals under them seeks always opportunity to attack Portugal for ceuta castle and will help you most cases. Must not rival Tunisia because you need to ally them both.

    Tunisia : loves you a bit smaller than Morocco but will ally you.

    Tlemcen : your first target, dont wait to much to attack them they might add Ottomans as ally.

    Part 1 Beginning :

    At first check conditions, castile - aragon rivalry must be yes and morocco tunisia rivalry must be no.

    1. Start building spy network to tlemcen.
    2. Add Tunisia and Morocco allies with this order. Otherwise they might be upset in somecases.
    3. Fullfill your forcelimit and wait for the Granada disaster. You will need to rebels win.
    4. Claim a province and give promise of land to tunisia and Morocco and attack them.
    5. At war gain 100 warscore but try to have seaside lands for yourself. 2 3 provinces is enough because you dont have enough power to slain those rebels. They will go to other countries and you can let them die this way. And also dont forget to humiliate them.
    6. By the end of the war disaster had to trigger and let them win because your king sucks anyways.

    7. Always have military focused no matter what.

    8. Squize estates if you are good with this mechanic otherwise get points only from nobles. You need every military point you can have.

    9. After war with tlemcen your truce will end. Tunisia and Morocco are pretty strong together but we need more bigger insurance. Ottomans. Try to improve relationship with them. And at one point they will accept you as ally. Dont miss that moment. Keep an eye on it while waiting.

    Part 2 : Reneissance.

    1. Now you have cities on two continent and if you played well you already humiliated Tlemcen. All we need is instution. Have it and get a golden age.
    2. Dont involve into offensive war with Morocco. Unless its against a weak enemy. For example at my saves Portugal and Castile were allied and i didn't involve this war. Because they will crush you both.
    3. You have to be ally with Ottomans till now and maybe if you are lucky Iberian wedding didn't start yet. Castile cant attack you for now. So he will attack anyone else. Probably aragon maybe with a less chance France or Morocco.
    4. Ä°n my cases defending Morocco was useless. Ä° didnt help them. Castile destroys country and you can grab whats left. You need to stay strong and follow any chances at this moment.
    5. And maybe just for my luck castile attacked Aragon and it was a game over for one of them. At this point you can wait till end of the war. Or claim provinces on Portugal and attack them. Because of the war ex they will not join against you and you can win against Portugal with the help of Tunisia and Morocco.

    6. After that money and more city is yours. Wait for the other war. Ä°f Aragon wins attack castile with your permanent claims , otherwise same against Aragon.

    7. Ä° will say ideas at different part but military technology is so critical no matter what especially at 5 7 , you need to be good as much as them.

    8. Ä°f someone attacks Morocco or Tunisia let them fight and beat the loser again and again. While you having ottomans as ally they can not attack you.

    9. With this strategy you will have a bit from portugal maybe from aragon or castile, a bunch of new land at north africa.

    10. Always have your army at full morale and at forcelimit. This way ai will see you more powerfull than you are.

    Part 3: al Andalus

    1. Ä°f Iberian wedding happens thx for trying after that is a mess and cannot be unseen. You still can try but with time castile will be way more powerfull and after forming Spain pretty much gg. For my personal choice dont waste your time and try again. But you are freemans you can try :)

    2. Ä°berian wedding didnt happens and you are an average country maybe bigger than Portugal. Wait for the opportunities on Portugal Castile and Aragon. Otherwise try to grab lands at North Africa and release as a vassal. Ä°n my case Morocco has been crushed by castile and tunisia lately by Aragon. You can claim their lands and be their overlord. With this way you can have freeclaims around there and extra forcelimit.

    3. Try to form al andalus with a bit patient. Castile is always strong even when he is alone. So be sure about manpower numbers and forcelimit.

    4. After forming al andalus congrats its over. Literally your ideas will be enormously strong and you will have a unique mission tree, which continues with granadan one.

    Part 4: Ä°deas

    1: defensive you need to have this just for the moral bonus. But for my weak country runs its a must. Highly recommended for first pick. 2: humanist or religion , i think humanist is better at this case because Andalus has a huge tolerance bonuses and if you stack them together you will merely have rebels. Plus national unrest bonus is great. Also with this idea full filling you will have another Age Objective which is also good. 3: Offensive, you country is a kinda mess for feeding big armies. You need to be Ä°berian Marines if you want to beat them all. 4: Diplomacy , because of fighting with same countries again and again, it will be helpfull for you avoiding coalitions. Plus you can search for another allies.

    Part 5 : Different scenarios

    1: France might get a bit from Iberia. Fight against them is too hard if you are alone , you definitely need ottomans or austrians to help you.

    2: Didnt go to much east but if you are afraid of attacking iberians you can gain power till mamluks but dont conquer them because Ottomans will be upset. Dont make them sad :) 3 : Help as much as you can to Ottomans, any favor will be a gain for your country. 4 : Having a vassal helps you with the bonus of iqta. Ä°f you feed them good it will give you huge bonuses at manpower or money every 20 years. 5 : i didn't played all mission tree for Andalus but it will turn you a Muslim Portugal in a way. So you can be rich at trade and you can finish anything with this much money. 6 : Before huge wars try to get mysticsm bonus from your religion. Small things can change a lot at battle.

    Tried to answer as much as i can. Ä° hope it will help lots of Granadan lovers.

    Any questions will be added as edit to this post so upvotes and questions are welcomed.

    submitted by /u/bakayoco
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    "Huh, my entire ducal family is female, what are the chan- wait wha?"

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST

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