• Breaking News

    Friday, December 27, 2019

    EU4 Are you an AI? Are you tired of dealing with your noble rebels? Just send them to the player's capital so it's not your problem anymore!

    EU4 Are you an AI? Are you tired of dealing with your noble rebels? Just send them to the player's capital so it's not your problem anymore!

    Are you an AI? Are you tired of dealing with your noble rebels? Just send them to the player's capital so it's not your problem anymore!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:03 AM PST

    EU4 banner of the principality of Yaroslavl (left) vs the real life flag. Turns out its not a primitive man with a tool but a bear.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    The end is near...

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Seize the means of diplomacy. My run was saved from a coalition by an insane event, thanks Paradox!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    When you didn't take a side in a protestant league:

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    When your friend sneezes and doesn't cover their mouth

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:35 PM PST

    uhhhh has anyone else got this before?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 12:09 AM PST

    Go, William Wallace! You're so close!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:33 AM PST


    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:44 AM PST

    Andalusia: The White Phoenix Rises (early)!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:33 AM PST

    Developing provinces should lower their unrest

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 05:52 AM PST

    I mean, why wouldn't the local populace be happy with the monarch devoting his/hers attention to developing a province?

    submitted by /u/Osagiel
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:00 PM PST

    Guess I'll Die...

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    For the three New World empires, what is "reforming religion" supposed to signify in terms of realism/lore?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    Sorry for the awkward phrasing in that title, wasn't sure how else to put it. Lets take the Inca's as an example. In the real world, they created a very impressive empire without iron, writing, or any animals to ride on. But none of these have anything to do with their religion, do they?

    So why is it that the way to catch up to Europeans is by reforming your religion? Is the idea that that reform means adopting a western-style writing system and ceasing practices like human sacrifice?

    I couldn't think of a good answer for why the incan reform mechanics are implemented this way, and am mostly curious if I'm missing something on the topic. One of the things I like about paradox games is the way they model game mechanics on (somewhat) accurate history, so I'm not sure if this is just one of the major exceptions or what

    P.S: Why don't the incans have a national idea relating to absolutism paradox? Their entire religious mechanic pre-european contact is basically absolutism already and the state is explicitly a divine right absolute monarchy at the start! For shame

    submitted by /u/jaboi1080p
    [link] [comments]

    And, immediately, every nation declared war on Saxony

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:23 AM PST

    Let's play "WTF happened in Europe while I was playing in America?"!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:14 AM PST

    After many restarts and strategies, this is my Basileus run. Could have easily completed mare nostrum if it wasn't for a certain windows 10 bug (more in comments)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Blursed Britain

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:15 PM PST

    Ottomans helping me liberate the Holy Land

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:18 AM PST

    How do i deal with this?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Downgrading Isabel? No thanks!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:59 AM PST

    The short American War of Independence

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:17 AM PST

    Finally I see an IA Italy

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:29 AM PST

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