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    Monday, December 20, 2021




    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 03:01 AM PST

    Time to update the Ottoman mission tree?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 02:17 AM PST

    Before I start, I want to say that I am not asking a buff for Ottomans. I don't think I'll ever play with them again. Yet, Ottoman mission tree is too stunted compared to pretty much any other nation in Europe.

    Before we start, let's check the mission tree of Provence. Provence, an entity that stopped existing in 1486 has permanent claims on Savoy, Aragon, Naples, Sicily, Hungary and Syria. It also receives some out-of-charts permanents buffs like -20% diploannex cost or +1 naval tradition (no longer a big deal with Dharma and monuments though). Now, let's look at Bohemian missions, an entity that got lost under Austria in 1526. Bohemian missions extend all the way to Constantinople and Warsaw.

    Since this is an alternate history game, I don't say that these mission trees should be cut down. I support such missions. But some of the real expansion of Ottomans are not included in the mission tree, let alone Ottoman aspirations.

    • First things first, Ottomans should never start with a claim on Constantinople. It is historically accurate, as Ottomans besieged the city several times, but it makes the game ugly, even if you play with Ottomans.
      • Edit: Ottomans might start with a claim on Constantinople only if they start with a truce with Byzantium.
    • Crimean subjugation should definitely be in the mission tree. Ottomans indeed subjugated Crimea and Crimea was utterly loyal to Ottomans for hundreds of years. Yet, that event depends on Crimea not being in war when their first ruler dies. So, Ottomans don't always get that CB. There are of course ways to go around this, like giving the great horde condottieri and letting them reduce Crimea to a subjugateable size, but it shouldn't be this ugly.
    • Ottomans conquered all modern day Armenia, Azerbaijan and Tabriz region. It was a short lived conquest, like 13 years or so) but they did. This is not a part of the current mission tree.
    • Ottomans installed three rulers to Moroccan throne who submitted to Ottoman rule. They were either deposed quickly or proved to be opportunistic. Also, Ottomans might have been involved with the famous Battle of Three Kings.
    • Ottomans had aspirations that they never achieved.
      • Mehmed II wanted to subjugate Papacy in the same way that he did the Patriarchy.
      • Selim I wanted to conquer all Persia, but couldn't do so because of his mutinous soldiers.
      • Sokollu Mehmed Pasha aspired to conquer the Russia. After the humiliating Battle of Molodi of Crimea, Ottomans directly involved with the conflict and launched the Astrakhan Campaign), which matched the humiliation of Battle of Molodi.
    • Also, states in EU4 very rarely get temporary claims anymore. Ottoman claims in Austria should be converted to permanent claims.

    This doesn't necessarily mean that Ottomans would be buffed. For example, giving Poland and Muscovy -100 opinion after Crimean subjugation might trigger early coalitions. Or, Ottomans attacking Papacy might give be reworked like the "intervene in war" mechanism, giving any Christian nation a chance to join the war unilaterally even if they are not allied with the Papacy.

    I don't know, I am aspiring with some more historical accuracy without jeopardising gameplay (like starting with Constantinople claim).

    submitted by /u/eu4turk
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    The Caliphate - First Ironman Finish

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 12:27 AM PST

    Who's the best player in EU4?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 04:57 PM PST

    I'm curious what you guys have to say. I'd either go for Florryworry or world record Terry.

    submitted by /u/StatusWoodpecker5900
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    History repeats itself?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 11:52 PM PST

    The One Time I Play Outside Europe

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 02:19 PM PST

    Managed to colonize all of Australia as Ternate :D

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 04:07 AM PST

    Why mughals does this?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 01:03 AM PST

    Should EU4 be retired at this point?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 05:31 AM PST

    This probably would've been a poll if they were allowed, but oh well.

    Should EU4, in its current state, have development shelved? Do you want more expansions/new content, or perhaps for some old content to be reworked/refined. Or, would you rather see EU4's development be stopped, and instead have paradox start dedicating fully towards a potential EU5?

    Just curious to know what the consensus is among subreddit users.

    submitted by /u/ARandomAnimeFanNo16
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    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 03:48 AM PST

    White Sheep Russia

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 06:10 PM PST

    Holy Roman Emperor as ironman France

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 02:09 AM PST

    Byzantium 1448: No allies and no loans

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 03:02 AM PST

    Britain went from number one great power to whatever this is in less than 50 years

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 01:18 AM PST

    Second time I got it this game

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 03:00 PM PST

    Which regions need a flavour pack/update in my opinion

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 06:23 AM PST

    I'm not playing as Lotharingia. I've been overshadowed in my own campaign.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 03:07 AM PST

    Quick Guide to Combat in EU4: Beginner to Advanced Tips! (From 2500+ hours)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 04:51 AM PST

    Here are a collection of tips that I've found useful in 2500 hours of this godforsaken game, including beating Florry in a 1v1\* - let me know your tips in the comments and I'll add them in!

    These are classified as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


    • Keep an eye on terrain penalties, such as river crossings and forests. Don't be surprised to lose to a smaller force if you force your troops to ford a river then charge up a mountain - those -1 and -2 penalties are present for every single roll.

    • Make sure to upgrade your troops when possible after taking military tech - this was the biggest mistake I made when starting out. We knew what guns were, we just... preferred spears?

    • Keep an eye on attrition, by far the biggest killer for new players in my experience. Each province has a supply limit that you can see by hovering over the province with an army selected. If you have too many troops, split them up and spread them out unless there's imminent danger - not being wary of this is a great way to tackle climate change early with population control.

    • Use mercenaries - especially if low on manpower. The free company is relatively cheap and can make a world of difference, most impactfully as a smaller nation. After all, why kill your own men when you can pay for someone else's kid to be killed in your pointless wars.

    • Be careful making your ruler/heir into a general - whilst there's a glorious aspect to having your ruler lead the charge, there's a reason it's a bad idea and that's because it's bloody dangerous. If your leader dies in battle, it's double the stability loss and very painful if they had good stats. Inversely, why not let your 0/0/0 fulfill his destiny of becoming a human pin-cushion?


    • Scorch Earth - use it. For a measly 5 mil points (y'know and the human cost of burning villages) you can slow the enemy down. This is brilliant as it allows for you to get a full army ready to meet them, or even get to defensive terrain before they do, allowing you to be the defender.

    • Shift + Consolidate - there's just no reason not to. Before each battle, hold down shift and click the consolidate button, this reshuffles your units to make as many full strength ones as possible, which in turn makes you more effective in combat. This also allows you to:

    • Use 0 strength units to siege - right, put down your pitchforks for a second and allow me to explain. A nation can't build troops on a province that is being sieged and let's be honest, that army with 3 guys isnt exactly going to change the course of the war. This way, they get to go and recover, whilst actually being useful! Assuming of course and actual army doesn't show up.

    • Place troops in provinces surrounding a siege - this is crucial when sieging a mountain fort. If the enemy attacks you, you're going to suffer. However, if you have units surrounding the provinces you're sieging, then they can't actually get to the fort, meaning if battle occurs, you're the defender.

    • Bring out ships to blockade a strait after winning a battle - easily the most satisfying thing in EU4 for me. Essentially, when the enemy retreat, they'll occasionally retreat across a strait. If you contest that strait for a second, with a single ship, you'll force them into another battle, meaning an easy stackwipe. This required a bit of timing but is excellent for easily stackwiping the Ottomans or the Iberians, with the cost being a single ship.

    • Keep an eye on combat width - definitely the easiest way to overcome the AI and crucial for preventing losses, having the appropriate number of troops to actually fill the front line is perhaps the biggest decider. This is doubly important when considering artillery, a full back line of artillery is brutal, in the late game you should dominate the AI and their weird 4/10/15 stacks.


    If you think the following tips are too easy for you, congratulations, you're advanced+ - now help me out by adding to the list.

    • Having cannon stacks - in the late game, you need at least one full army with artillery numbering the combat width +2. Surrounding this army should be reinforcement stacks that pile in when battle is joined and made up of pure infantry that number the combat width +2 to be safe. After a battle, shuffle your troops to ensure that your cannon stack is at full strength.

    • Joining at the right time - there are a few different theories as to when you should join a battle with reinforcements, I personally believe it comes down to how good you are at micro. Overstacking isn't as bad as not getting the troops in. My tactic (that allowed me to beat FlorryWorry in a 1v1, still riding that high**), was to check the reserves and send more men in when my reserve number dropped below combat width, to ensure that I always had a full frontline.

    • Baiting the AI - you can usually lure the AI across straits to trap them by stationing troops there. Additionally, if an AI stack is deep into a siege, they'll usually ignore it if you snipe smaller stacks around them, super useful to even the numbers. I can't tell you exactly when this threshold is, you just gotta feel it.

    Now, add your own tips in the comment and let's make the AI cower in fear as they deftly ignore forts WHICH I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW THEY CAN DO THAT.

    *Okay, so, whilst this did happen, he memed the first round, crushed me in the second round and I challenged him to cannons only to basically let luck decide the third round. Still won 2-1 and sure it happened over a year ago but DAMMIT let me have my moment.

    **Yes I did just reference that twice - I'm a slave to my ego.

    submitted by /u/EnginesFailingSendH-
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    Sunset Invasion/Roman Empire Restoration

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 02:16 PM PST


    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 01:49 AM PST

    1600 dev AI Ottoman allying 6 dev Najd just to be a pain in my ass.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 05:49 AM PST

    Took all the Papal holdings besides Rome and made the pope the richest man to ever live

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 03:45 PM PST

    A guide to Personal Unions I made to help myself

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 10:21 PM PST

    General Guide to Personal Unions

    • Look for disputed successions and royal marry. You might get a succession war, a free union, or your dynasty on their throne.

    • Royal marry same-dyntasy nations. If they have no heir or a weak claim heir, claim throne and take PU.

    • Have higher development than other potential successors. If a country would have a succession crisis, it takes the nation with the best claim (claim>dynasty>royal marriage), and if there are multiple eligible nations in the bracket it takes the nation with the highest amount of total development (after autonomy). If your rival gets a succession crisis, sometimes you will be pulled in as an attacker against their claim (It used to be thought that prestige affects this, but it was disproven).

    • You need a higher prestige than the target to claim the throne of a nation, so keep your prestige high. As well, you need to have a higher prestige than a country to have a noble from your house succeed to their throne (without event).

    • Curry favours in countries you want to have your dynasty. In 1.32 you can appoint an heir of your dynasty for 90 favours if they have no heir. Getting the same dynasty means an easy PU later.

    • If you have 4 royal marriages, you can get Marriage Policies Pay Off. MTTH reduced with 6 marriages. If you have a royal marriage and they don't have an heir, they get an heir of your dynasty.

    • If you have high diplomatic reputation and Poland is elective, you can support heir and eventually get your dynasty on their throne. From there you can get an easy claim on their throne and one/two easy PUs.

    • Diplomatic reputation is useful for inheriting and integrating, keeping good relations, and increasing the chance of accepting diplomatic proposals (including the acceptance for a royal marriage). Note, inheriting an elector transfers their electorship to you, but it won't by integrating.

    • You should also use the nobility estate privilege to avoid the dip rep penalty, and for the diplo annexation cost. Combine Economic and Influence ideas for an additional 45% reduction, meaning all integrations are 1/2 off. Remember diplomatic annexation requires 20% less than conquering and coring, too, and you don't have to spend even more to make it a full core. If you are Catholic, you can also use the Send Papal Legate for an additional 10% reduction.

    • Bohemia, Milan, Burgundy, and Poland are all decently easy targets for any nation to try PU near game start.

    • You can continuously disinherit your heirs until you get the dynasty from a royal married nation. To do this, it's preferred to instead have your only royal marriage be with that nation, and you also need them to have at least 4 royal marriages (yours included). This can be counter-intuitive to your normal gameplay though, so I'd only do this to weed out specific high-value targets, like Spain or Russia. Also I would most of the time start with diplo ideas, it makes truce breaking which is very important in obtaining PUs hurt a little bit less.

    • It helps with breaking royal marriages if you are the Curia Controller or you have Diplomatic Ideas finished. Either will get rid of the stability hit and let your marry and break as much as you want, including removing the marriage before you declare your claim.

    • With the notes above, I would recommend taking Diplomatic, Quantity, Administrative, and Influence as your starting ideas. Quantity will help with early wars, and combines with Diplomatic for Dip Rep +1. Switch up the orders as your game requires, but it's typically good to have admin ideas in your 3rd or later slots, so you aren't using your points that unlock idea groups on ideas early on.

    Specific nations' PUs

    (F) means formable. You can usually take the missions from forming them to get their missions to PU, and if you are early enough you might get some PU events too.

    Start means you start with the PU

    Event means there is an event that can fire to give you a free PU over the nation

    Mission means you get it through your mission tree

    Claim means you either share a dynasty from game start, or can easily secure your dynasty on their throne

    France (F)

    • Burgundy (Event)
    • Milan (Event)
    • Naples (Event if you kill Provence before Naples breaks free)
    • Bohemia (Claim from early marriage getting your throne, before they choose the other leader)
    • Provence/Lorraine (Claim)

      Austria (F)

    • Hungary (Claim/Event/Mission)

    • Bohemia (Claim/Mission)

    • Bavaria (Mission)

    • Poland/Lithuania (Mission)

    • Burgundy (Event)

    • Milan (Event)

    • Castille (Event)

      Castille (F) (End Game Tag)

    • Aragon (Event)

    • Naples (2 Events)

    • Portugal (Mission)

    • Navarra (Comes with Aragon most of the time through their PU event)

    • Great Britain (Mission)

    • Austria/Bohemia/Hungary (Mission)

    • Burgundy (Event)

      Poland (F)

    • Lithuania (Event)

    • Bohemia (Mission)

    • Hungary (Mission)

      England (F)

    • France (Mission)


    • Poland (Mission)

    • Muscovy (Mission)

      Bavaria (F)

    • Ingolstadt/Landshut/Munich (Event)

    • Denmark/Norway/Sweden (Claim)

    • Palatinate (Mission)

    • Brandenburg (Mission)

    • Austria (Mission)


    • Brandenburg (Mission Event)

    • Saxony (Mission Event)

    • Hungary (Mission)

    • Poland/Lithuania (Mission)


    • Sweden/Norway (Start)


    • Augsburg/Bayreuth (Event)


    • Naples (Start)

    • Navarra (Event)

    • Castille (Event)

    • Portugal (Mission)


    • Lorraine (Start)

    • France (Claim)

    • Naples (Mission)

    • Aragon (Mission)

    • Hungary (Mission)


    • Holland/Brabant/Flanders (Start, but integrated if falls under PU though Burgundian Inheritance chain)


    • Croatia (Start, but insta-integrated)

    • Naples (Mission)

    • Poland (Mission)

    • Bohemia (Mission)

    • Austria (Mission)


    • Bavaria (Missions)

    • Bohemia (Mission)

      Netherlands (F)

    • Britain (Event/Mission)

    Please leave any corrections or missed info in the comments, and I'll add it to the guide.

    submitted by /u/AFKalchemist
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    My ally needs some help

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 04:28 AM PST

    Is choosing quantity ideas as Russia a trap?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 05:08 AM PST

    For context: I just deleted my halfway completed quantity ideas set after reading that for the troubles mission I need 100% of my force limit, which with my not even completed quantity ideas was 114. My army is currently only 48 and I can't sustain even that.

    Also how do y'all do ideas without falling behind on techs horrifically?

    (For reference my two army stacks are: 14:4:6 at mil tech 11, which I'm also behind on.)

    submitted by /u/Jagger67
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