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    EU4 Does the AI lose AE when they lose a coalition war?

    EU4 Does the AI lose AE when they lose a coalition war?

    Does the AI lose AE when they lose a coalition war?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:40 AM PST

    "Maybe if we stand veeery still they won't see us" Part 2

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:34 AM PST

    No more Mamluk Israel with next patch - Go get the "Shemot is Not" achievement

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:55 AM PST

    My Byzantium Strategy (No loans, no trucebreaks, all cores back in first war, great power by 1460)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 07:21 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    As they are my favourite nation in the game, I've spent a lot of time trying to have the cleanest, strongest Byzantium start possible.

    A lot of strategies for the first Ottoman war involve you taking on debt or truce-breaking the Ottomans. I think that neither of these things are optimal.


    The first Ottoman war is not the hardest thing in a Byzantium campaign, the hardest thing is expanding after the initial war. You need to be in a position that immediately after defeating the Ottomans you can expand into Serbia, Bosnia, Epirus and even Venice. You have to get as big as possible with urgency so that you can fight the second Ottoman war and seal the Balkans for yourself before the Ottomans, Hungary, Austria, Poland or anyone else does. It's hard to do that in debt with negative stability and war exhaustion. You also need your monarch points to dev Renaissance in Constantinople and get Faceting before someone else can.

    Below I'd like to explain my guide. It's pretty simple, probably been done before but no harm explaining again for those that need help.

    Obviously in any start like this there's some level of RNG, but I'll highlight the two RNG elements that constitute a restart are the following:

    1. The Ottomans ally Crimea or Gazikumukh. This strategy does rely on blocking the strait and they will ridiculously negate any naval advantage you have by getting access through the whole of the Caucuses. If you see him ally Aq Qoyunlu or Ramazan or both, it's ideal.
    2. The Ottomans decide to attack Albania first. This is very unlikely but it can happen if Candar or Dulkadir get strong alliances and Albania get none. You need the Ottomans to be in Anatolia.

    Diplomacy, Estates and Preparation

    Take points from all estates, encourage development in southern Greece and develop Morea (cheapest province) then sell crownlands. You now have all the money you need. Seize to put you at 4% crownland and take the estate mission. You'll get back to 17% crownland after the war.

    Move all your men into Corinth, turn off maintenance for both army and navy, delete the fort in Morea, it's a financial burden.

    Use your money to build 10 galleys. That's the magic number you need to barrage Gallipoli. Afterwards recruit to forcelimit (11) with infantry. It's very important you do not build men in Constantinople as this will cause the Ottomans to turn on the fort in Gallipoli.

    Proclaim guarantee on Albania and the Knights, start improving with Hungary, Albania and The Knights. When you can, ally Albania and The Knights, RM Hungary (will be possible unless he gets 2 allies + Moldavia and is over the relations limit, but it's rare) then ally him. Then prioritise improving and allying with Wallachia, Karaman (if not rivalled) and anyone else. You will not call any of them into the Ottoman war, they only serve the purpose of deterring him from attacking you first.

    In the case he does line up on your border, hire a Diplomatic Reputation advisor and ally everyone and I do mean everyone. Trust me, it'll scare him off unless Candar has pulled some very serious diplomacy (and by that I mean he's allied Great Horde, Karaman, Crimea, Aq Qoyunlu all in one, it's not likely).

    When your fleet is fully built turn the maintenance all the way up in preparation. Set your army maintenance to around 75%. You'll be losing around a ducat a month but you need to be ready to go at any moment. Your preparations will be complete in 1447.

    Byzantine Reconquest

    At some point between 1448-1449 either one of two things will happen providing the above has all gone well.

    1. You'll get a notification he's declared on Dulkadir. At that point you need to immediately move 6k (your cogs capacity) to Constantinople with your entire fleet and prepare to barrage Gallipoli.
    2. The most likely thing is that you'll see him move his men across the strait. This is your sign he's going to attack Candar who is the weakest target. Move your 6k men to Constantinople and 5k into Athens. Ensure maintenance is all the way up.

    What you want to do when all his men have crossed is declare a reconquest war for Edirne. This will be his entire army in Anatolia. Gallipoli will be very likely mothballed and have the most minimum garrison when you declare.

    Barrage and assault Gallipoli. Then leave your cogs in Constantinople, barrage and assault Salonika which will also have minimum garrison. That's two forts down and the Ottomans trapped in Anatolia.

    If Gallipoli has been maintained then you'll need an extra merc stack to get it down. He does maintain it sometimes, it doesn't alter the strategy. Shift consolidate when assaulting to preserve morale.

    Use 4k infantry to siege Edirne (assault if there's a wall breach for ticking warscore) and use the rest of your army to carpet siege the Balkans. Hand over occupation of Salonika and Gallipoli to Athens so they pay for the fort (remember to give it back to yourself before peacing). Once Edirne (now Adrianople ;)) and the rest of the Balkans has been sieged, turn your fort and army maintenance off and sit on the war for 2 years...He has no way of harming you and in fact, you can full blockade him for some more money and reduction in his war enthusiasm.

    It's worth noting that at this point, if any of your allies seem vulnerable to attack, dissolve the alliance. Start improving with Muscovy who will 100% ally you immediately after the war and the Mamluks, also build a spy network in Serbia.

    I'm going to stress this, a Mamluks alliance is the most important thing after this war. Something that will ruin any Byzantium campaign is the Mamluks eating Anatolia. They'll have a Ming sized army in no-time. If we ally them and call them into the next Ottoman war, we control their truce and how much land they get (none if you have favours). This is also why we don't want to weaken the Ottomans too much, because we need to keep the power-balance around even between the Ottomans and Mamluks. We could bait the Ottomans across the strait and stackwipe them, but that just incentivises the Mamluks to declare on him which we don't want.

    When you're at around 65% warscore, build to 18 infantry. In fact, do it before if you think you can afford it. You're at max manpower which is being wasted. The reason we do this is because it'll turn his High Enthusiasm to Medium or even Low as your army grows. You will have the forcelimit after peacing out.

    In the peace deal, you take all your cores (unlike other guides, I suggest you take Edirne, it's a nice province and helps you get stronger plus you will still have naval superiority in the next war so it doesn't matter if his capital is in Anatolia now) as well as a province that links to Serbia.

    You then immediately fabricate a claim on Kosovo and release Bulgaria afterwards.

    If this has all gone to plan, you've just defeated the Ottomans for all your cores without taking a single loan, trucebreak or even a land battle.

    Next Steps

    At the very minimum take strong duchies if not the integration policy too. Ally Muscovy and keep fishing for the Mamluks, he'll take your alliance eventually. Also work on getting Austria now.

    Providing Hungary hasn't gone mad, you should be able to immediately attack Serbia making Bosnia a Cobillegerent (vassalise him, he has cores on Herzegovina. Herzegovina always allies Wallachia too so it's another potential route for expansion). If the Ottomans have guaranteed Serbia, don't worry, it'll go away within a year or two.

    The next wars should be Epirus, Herzegovina and then prepare for the next Ottoman war in which you'll likely have Austria and the Mamuks on your side :). The Mamluks are also very likely to help you in wars vs Venice.

    Ensure in your second Ottoman war you take Smyrna and Tekke. Smyrna (Sugla) is a Centre of Trade and Tekke cuts the Mamluks off from DoWing their own Ottoman war. It also allows you to fabricate and vassalise or annex Karaman who has more cores on the Ottomans.

    At this point, with your land stated, especially the Kosovo gold-mine, you'll be able to support a respectable sized army, make profit and hire at least level 1 advisors.

    I hope this helps anyone who wants to have a strong Byzantium start. I'll consider making a video on this if anyone is interested :) Please let me know if I haven't explained anything too well :).

    EDIT: Thank you so much for the helpful award, I appreciate it. I'll try to turn this into my first ever EU4 video and share it with you guys :)

    submitted by /u/C_A_Gr
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    Friesland World Conquest!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:00 PM PST

    So... the fuck is happening?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 08:12 AM PST

    Who needs Prussian Space Marines when you have..... RUSSIAN Space Marines!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:33 PM PST

    "Urge for peace" should be a feature.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:42 AM PST

    How often have you seen it happen, you're dragged to war by your ally, and you help him into a good position, either you manage to get your ally in a position to gain from a defensive war, or you basically won the war for your ally, and he just doens't want to peace out.

    For example, I'm playing Mzab, and allied Granada. Grenada allied Tunis and Morocco as well. We were 4 to 1, so had a head start. I quickly sieged Toledo, and transfered all my sieges to Granada. Then I saw a few cracks coming. Serperatists in all Maghreb nations (we split Tlemcen 3 ways), Siege armies walking far apart, gettin vunerable, Portugal joining, etcetera. I knew this was gonna turn the war.

    But, AI, still thinking "I have 35 warscore, he's low on war enthousiasm, let's 100% them", drags the war on. Every gain we could've made there gone, because the AI is stupid. I want a button to "urge your ally for peace", or, if he doesn't peace ou, you can seperate peace without any penalty.


    submitted by /u/holy_roman_emperor
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    Just me chilling as France with my buddy Eng- *ahem*, Great Brit- *cough* ...Denmark?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 03:14 AM PST

    You’ve seen “playing outside of Europe and AI did a thing,” but have you seen “playing outside of Mesopotamia and AI did a thing?”

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 10:58 AM PST

    Did you know this?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:44 PM PST

    What the actual hell

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:21 AM PST

    just the converter being the converter

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:57 PM PST

    After 2,000 hours, I finally have a co-captain.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:42 PM PST

    As Inca during 1604. Should I reform religion?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:23 PM PST

    I am very bad at this game. Like I still only have 28 achievements on steam. Currently going for A Sun God, my DLC I have are El Dorado, Art of War, and Common Sense

    My techs are 10/10/10 I can Copy new Grenada at 15/15/15.

    My empire. Spain is the only colonial power in my area and they got their asses handed to them during the Leauge war with zero manpower allowing me to take provinces from their colonies.

    submitted by /u/Boring-Bed-Bug
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    Timelapse of the HRE collapsing (follow up to Icelandic emperor of HRE)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:02 PM PST

    Stable True Heir of Timur

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 09:34 AM PST

    - Sir, can we do some hiking during our retreat? - Sure

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:37 PM PST

    Who needs wars when you have money?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:16 AM PST

    A tough decision

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 08:21 AM PST

    What did the Devs do to the development map mode?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 10:03 PM PST

    My friends first game and he's already learned AE is just a number

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 03:54 PM PST

    I didn't even know this was possible

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 03:01 PM PST

    Ottomans �� Naval Ideas = This

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:37 PM PST

    First decent campaign ruined by recurring game crash

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 10:32 AM PST

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