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    Friday, July 2, 2021

    EU4 I managed to have only Australia explored by the end of the game.

    EU4 I managed to have only Australia explored by the end of the game.

    I managed to have only Australia explored by the end of the game.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    What if I wanted us to be... more than historical allies? ��������

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    How do i kill my child?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    Was playing Lithuania and my heir was a 0/0/1. I really want to get rid of him but the only i can try is to make him a general but he's age 1. Any other way to kill an heir?

    submitted by /u/OnionOnion-
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    can someone tell me what secret denmark is?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    The True Rome restored!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    I am scared of my march

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    I have cores on you? That's fine you can keep them, just give me 5 ducats

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    I bet you're wondering why I have gathered you all here

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    Maximum theoretically achievable Government Capacity

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    I've been wondering recently if it's possible to fully core the world and not go above government capacity. Fully coring is not that difficult, multiple people have done it. But to not go above capacity one would have to push it to the absolute maximum (or play as horde and raze everything). So, what is the theoretical maximum government capacity you can achieve in EU4? Let's calculate. (TL:DR near the end)

    Flat +x GC sources:


    200, for all nations

    Government Rank:

    +400 at Empire level

    Government Reforms:

    In 1.30 Maximum possible was Mughals with Mughal Diwan (+150), Mansabdari System (+150), Zabt System (+150) and L'état c'est moi (+250) for a total of +700

    In 1.31 patch there was a change to the Celestial Empire reform (buffed from +300 to +470) which puts them slightly ahead at +720 with L'état c'est moi.

    Administrative Technology level:
    • +100 Level 8

    • +100 Level 12

    • +250 Level 17

    • +250 Level 20

    • +250 Level 24

    • +250 Level 27

    • +500 Level 31

    For a total of +1700


    Each estate has +100 GC privilege. The more estates you can get the better. In effect:

    *+300 for most countries

    *+400 for countries of Eastern European tech group with Steppe Land; Muslim countries of Non-Indian tech group; Hindu countries of Indian tech group; and probably some other combinations

    *+500 for Muslim countries of Indian tech group


    +100 from Loyal Subjects mission available to Maori culture nations of Polynesian tech group.

    +x% GC sources:

    Idea Groups:

    Administrative Idea group +25%

    National Ideas:

    All following nations get +10% from national ideas:

    • Hindustan

    • Berg

    • Great Britain

    • Chernihov

    • Delhi

    • Holy Roman Empire

    • Trent

    • Yuan


    The Grand Palace of Bangkok +15%


    Economical Hegemony +20%

    Age bonus:

    Russia +33%

    • Taungu missions Conquer Bengal +10%

    • Lithuanian mission Enforce a Commonwealth +10%


    Prior to 1.31 religion counted only in so far as it gave access to specific Estates. But the latest patch introduced Zoroastrian +10% bonus.

    Expand Administration

    And last piece to consider is Expand Administration button from Government Reform Progress. Each click of the button gives +20 flat GC. For most people it will result in maybe +40-+60 GC at the end of the game. But, with proper focus you can squeeze considerable amount of GC from it. Let's calculate how much.

    The full game lasts 376 years, 1 month and 23 days, give or take a day. For our purposes it's 376 years and 2 extra monthly ticks.

    What is the maximum possible Government Reform progress?

    Most nations at 0.00 average province autonomy generate 10 Government Progress a year. So, 3761.6(6) during the full campaign.

    A republic gets extra +100% of this while at 100 republican tradition.

    Franconian mission Grandeur Sans Pareil gives another +10%

    Nations of Dalmatia, Dortmund, Iceland, Goslar and Maratha get another +15% from national ideas.

    So, in total one can get to +125%, or 22.5 Reform Progress a year.

    So, theoretical maximum during the full campaign is 8463.75.

    This number can, of course, be further modified by events (that I won't be considering for simplicity's and my laziness' sake) and missions. I also won't be considering most of the missions here, because while Government Reform is one of the very few things you can pass on when releasing and playing as vassal, so it is theoretically possible to get them all, it's too theoretical even for me.

    So, government reform progress available through formable nation's missions:

    • Mughals +50

    • Two Sicilies +50

    • France +25

    • Siam +50

    • United States +100

    Only one of these is an end-game tag, so in theory you can get them all, giving you another 275. Which brings the total to 8738.75. Of this you need 1000 to get to 6th reform to get L'état c'est moi, which leaves 7738 for clicking Expand Administration.

    This will let you click Expand Administration 56 times, for a whooping total +1120 GC. It will also leave you with 215 reform progress unused, so you will either have to get another 33 reform progress form events for another 20GC or you will have couple of years of leeway for getting all of this together. You also won't have to form Mughals and could go the Russian route instead for their +33% GC.


    And, I'm pretty sure that's all we can get. So, where does that leaves us?

    Base 200 + tech level 1700 + gov rank 400 + gov reforms 720 + estates 300 + expand administration 1120 = 4400 Further modified by admin ideas +25% + Bangkok monument +15% + Zoroastrian +10% + Lithuanian/Taungu mission +10% + national ideas +10% + Economic Hegemon +20% + Russian age bonus +33%, for a total of +123%


    TLDR: Maximum theoretically achievable Government Capacity in the game is 9031GC. Depending on the development spread between states with gems/glass/paper and your capitol state that would be enough to core around 32000-33000 dev. Concentrate development makes it difficult to predict.


    How to approach this in game:

    Of course, this is all theoretical and clearly unachievable in real game. No one will be forming Franconia before the first month ends. But this does give some ideas on how to go about getting as much GC as possible. There are many factors to consider, but the single most limiting factor is +10% GC from Lithuanian and Taungu mission trees. Neither of these nations is formable so you'll either have to start as one or at some point release them as vassal and play as them. Taungu has the problems of not being able to switch to republic easily and not being able to form Franconia for their reform progress growth. So it seems like Lithuania is the natural contender here.

    You can start as them, push their missions to get their bonus, then form Dalmatia for national ideas, Switzerland to switch to republic and then Franconia for their mission. Or you can start as Novogrod, fully conquer Lithuania and release-play them, which will make them a republic earlier.

    Then you will want to spend the vast majority of the game at close to 0 average autonomy in you provinces. How to do it when conquering new land sets it's autonomy at 40% with claim, or 50% without? Well, one obvious way would be to conquer all land through vassals, annex them (which will set the land's autonomy at 60%, but will give you cores there). Then asap spawn separatist rebels for the vassal you've just annexed, agree to their demands and then reconquer the land for yourself, which should give the land 0 autonomy. How to get separatists in a land that you have cores on? Seize one province from your vassal just before he gets annexed, that should cause separatists in that province, and when you accept their demands the whole country will be re-released. Easy. Just do it for the entire world.

    Another thing to consider is Administrative Efficiency. If you're not forming Mughals getting to 90% may be difficult. How do you solve it? Form Golden Horde in 1800 to get 10% from their mission tree? Carefully tend to the HRE so you'll be able to get emperorship at the very end of the game and pass Renovatio Imperii after forming Russia? Lot's of options there, all of them sound very painful to execute.

    I am just masochistic enough to attempt such a thing, but the performance drop of the latest patch made the game pretty much unplayable on my laptop, so this run will have to wait for my next computer. And in the meantime, if anyone shares with me the special brand of stupid that makes someone try this, I encourage you to do and share the results. I'd love to see them.

    submitted by /u/memnos
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    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    I don't know who needs to see this...but this would have made my 3000+ hours much easier

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    Trying to get from Tunis to Sardinia in the middle of your Roman Empire run but are sick of armies defaulting to walking around the Mediterranean? CTRL + right-click where you want to go, and your transports will take you there, even if there is a direct land connection.

    submitted by /u/MaziicM
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    Jokes on you paradox, I didn't pay for it ;)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:42 PM PDT

    with 9 years to spare, True Heir of Timur!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    My reward after succesfully surviving the Ottomans...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Just formed Italy in my first game ever! 1715 (no cheat, but I reloaded two-three times older saves)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    Albania or Iberia

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    You sure about that?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    Lucky he's on my side...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:47 PM PDT

    On the next episode of Franconia...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    Close to finishing my first game in EU4 :) Not the biggest empire but its something

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    How to impress women

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    Wise man once said, to get a girlfriend, you need to impress her in a way or two. Well, I just won a coalition war against 5 Great Powers in my Byzantium campaign, with 8 million casualties on the enemy side. Wonder if cheeks gonna go crazy when they hear this.

    submitted by /u/NoPhotojournalist158
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    Uhh. no thank you

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    “Be there or be square” they said

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    WTF happened to South America lol

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    Hungary has a 97 year old regent

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:04 AM PDT

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