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    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : May 18 2021

    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : May 18 2021

    'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : May 18 2021

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    In this thread, you can post a maps from your games, and other players can try to guess who you're playing, what year it is, and any other info you specify. Please only post maps in top-level comments. Such posts outside this thread will be removed by the moderators. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+AND+%22Which+country%22&restrict\_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) to see past threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The rise of the Russian minors!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    I suppose we'll build two then

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    A blessing from the lord!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    How did this happen?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    A small Irish kingdom gets burgundy

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    When AE becomes more than just a number

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    Bernie Sanders wildin'

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I formed Soviet Union with Stateless Society of Koho

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    The Ulm Minster should really be a monument and Ulm's last idea should be changed to something else.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    For those unaware, Ulm's final national idea is "Finish the Ulm Minster", which gives +2 tolerance of the true faith.

    I honestly thought this was a slam dunk for something that would become a monument. The Ulm Minster is the tallest church in the world today, and construction was started in 1377: Sure, it wasn't finished until 1890, but if it can be an idea, it can be a monument.

    For a DLC that billed itself as being for tall nations, Leviathan really neglected the most famous tall nation of all.

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayusGenerica
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    mended the schism

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    The Purple Phoenix restored to its rightful place.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    My first completed game since 2018

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    Best outcome of Japanese isolationist events? And a few questions about Japan

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Hello. Sorry, I'm sending it the 2nd time, as the first one got absolutely ignored for some reason. This is the first (well, and second) post that has to be approved by the moderator, I wonder why. Anyway:

    I've just started Uesugi -> Japan playtrough, but now I realized how little I know. I'm far from being able to say what's the best outcome for each event and few other things. So, could you help me out with that? Currently I just got a pop-up about Wokou Pirates, but there are more to come, so any help is appreciated.

    Also, my question is about the best Isolationist level. What would be the best in the long run, or should I juggle them as I go? If so, in what order?

    Here is my opinion on them. I'm still a newbie, so I might be wrong in some cases, so please correct me: At least for me Open Doors (lvl 0) seems bad. -10% institution embracement cost is shit as money isn't that important and -5% tech cost is not bad, but doesn't justify picking it. Adaptive (lvl 1), that gives -10% dev cost and +10% institution spread seems nice for forcefully spawning institutions, and I'm a few years away from Renaissance. But it's 1446, so I don't know if I will have enough time to develop an institution and then perhaps change. And why I want to change, I really like Selective Integration (lvl 2), as -10% idea cost will save me a ton of monarch points and construction cost is never bad, it always will give a bit better economy. Isolationism (lvl 3) seems nice, but at the same if you conquer all you wanted (and I don't plan to go for WC) these bonuses are bad. My plan was to take religious ideas and do culture convert Manchuria and Chinese coast (at least), but when I do these bonuses become useless. And all they do is speed up the process a little, saving me some diplo points only. Closed Doors (lvl 4) looks nice, but I can't imagine stab cost being that great, and war exhaustion, who are you going to fight really? Everyone around is weaker excluding Ming, so I can't imagine desperately needing the monthly war exhaustion reduction.

    Now, Christian vs Shinto. I really don't like asking, as I feel like Shinto has a ton of flavour, but there has to be something about Christian Japan, right? You are most likely late for any religious war or whatever so you just sit on your island with most likely Protestant (but I imagine Catholics after all the buffs or Reformed for trade focus) bonuses, but I might be missing something.

    Another thing is the Mandate of Heaven. I tried once long time ago on cheats basically and I got the disaster about "Empire of China in Name", that was demotivating. But first of all I can just accept cultures as I go (at least temporarily) or wait out 10 years, then I only get bonuses, right? Or am I missing something? It really doesn't seem to have any cons if played properly.

    Finally, idea groups. I most likely will pick Innovative as it's my favourite group, then Exploration becouse it will be useful to bring trade from America. I'd probably want Expansion sooner than later (or do I? I'm not planning on taking over whole America, just the northwest coast, "California" trade node) and some military group (but which one?). Finally Religious for one faith and one culture, but as long as I can accept a culture I guess I will live.

    And finally, a strange little thing. When is it not a good idea to change national ideas to Japanese? They seem far from bad, but I realize that there are some that are probably better suited for different approaches. I imagine Oda's ideas are the best if you are going for WC. Is it the case with Uesugi? And what other national ideas are worth keeping? Provided I plan on doing something specific like playing tall, colonizing or whatever.

    EDIT: Oh and government reforms! I sure as hell like Plutocracy over the other two, but maybe I'm wrong, and what about tier 2 reform?

    submitted by /u/rolewicz3
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    Koho and Rhade have switched province location (just visually)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Stackwiping over 110k english troops in my For Odin campaign

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:26 AM PDT

    Blursed Succession War

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    MP game as my tribe, the Chickasaw aka the Spartans of the Mississippi

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    AI formed Lanfang by itself, isnt this the rarest nation?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Why are natives so developed now? I don’t have leviathan btw just the new update+conquest of paradise, art of war, el dorado, Cossacks, rights of man, and Mandate of Heaven.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    I figured Dalaskogen might make a good trade city...

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    What does Zoroastrian ritual 'Haoma' do?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    I re-sieged Valencia from rebels! yay...

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    What in the World War 2

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:25 PM PDT

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