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    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    EU4 I freed Tibet

    EU4 I freed Tibet

    I freed Tibet

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:05 AM PST

    Paradox, if they plan on updating natives soon, should add Hawaii!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:11 PM PST

    Paradox should add Hawaii and it's ancient island kingdoms. It's a nation that Britain discovered/traded with in the time period of the game, and the province of Hawaii could easily be broken into separate islands. Which were unified in 1810. I think an achievement could be start as Kamehameha the Great and then conquer the Hawaiian islands. It would just be a little bit of added flavor to a pretty barren part of the game.

    submitted by /u/Nolanator429
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    You attack... No you attack!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:15 AM PST

    After nearly 1700 hours I got the game's hardest achievement.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:30 AM PST

    [1.31] NEW Teaser for the next Dev Dairies

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:54 AM PST

    The Re-Reconquista

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:49 AM PST

    The Strategic Uses Of Bankruptcy

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:40 AM PST

    The Strategic Uses Of Bankruptcy

    Greetings, I've seen that usually when players talk about bankruptcy they instantly treat it as the most almighty of all evils, but not necessarily, even though Bankruptcy is a drastic feature used mainly when things went wrong somewhere and the country didn't manage to keep her expenses in check.

    First, let's get a close look at the most relevant debuffs a country receives.

    Not all debuffs are here, only the relevant

    This is severe; you will be unable to win any wars by yourself, loans will be costly as well, along with the unrest that 0 legitimacy will bring, if the stability ends negative, it is way worse. Rebels become an annoying problem because you will have a penalty of ~-57% morale when you put the morale from the prestige in the math as well.

    The Two Good Uses:

    The Economic Advancement Use:

    This is the most known of the two, you bury yourself in loans, make a lot of buildings, wait the five years to pass, and go bankrupt, this is a good use, but it is that good. Great players rarely will use this one because it is slow and they are in constant wars, expanding your terrain will bring you more benefits than developing your provinces.

    At the same time, it is also a chill move, if you are in multiplayer with some friends who are not hardcore, or if you want a period of peace, it is a good, solid option. It can also be used if you are about to form a coalition against you if you expand more and they would be a bother, simply be peaceful for a time and prepare a strategical, economic advancement use of it.

    The Aggressive Expansion Use:

    Different from its brother, this use of bankruptcy is aggressive, needs to be calculated and executed with care, for it may backfire on the nation. The idea is simple; you with a weak nation, surrounded by stronger enemies, will eat them up and receive a huge AE penalty with the entire region. Many nations will never have the option of doing this because other paths are way more efficient. The AE Use should be used in regions where expansion is hard and your nation is weak.

    The core of this use is that the debt will grow at the same pace as your nation. you will be continually running an army above your limit. If your limit is 10, you may be using 17 units, if it is 30, you may be running 40. Not because you want to, but because the situation demands, nations like France, Castille, have no need for this this is a strategy that minors will use to try to leave the shadows and have a place in the sun.

    Since you are using your army way above your limit your deficit will be giant. After your initial wars and gains of land, you may disband your excessive troops, but the interest will be killing you. Your nation may be making 4/5 ducats a month while the interest eats the same amount, now the only way to expand more is with more loans, and more loans you will make, and fast because you are against the clock, you need to grow to become big enough so that no one can easily threaten you and once you are bigger, more nations will want to alliance.

    You have to always keep an eye on how many loans you can have, and how long will take for you to go bankrupt, you have to plan well. Take a look at this example:


    Context: The difficulty is Very Hard, the nation I choose to play in the beginning is Baluchistan, a fine nation to use this strategy since everyone around you is stronger and no one wants to ally you. This is the second coalition war I am facing and my debt finally caught up to me, the war is about to be won so I disbanded many of my mercenaries to help with the balance, but it still is a giant -60 ducats a month.

    I am paying, monthly, 60 ducats in Interest, where my nations make 63. The remaining 15 are war reparations and knowledge sharing, in this case, the Interest eats up my entire economy and I was in this place for a really long time.

    This strategy creates an eventual bankruptcy, and since you know she is coming you can prepare well for it. You have to, otherwise, it will be a total waste. Since you are expanding a lot, coalitions will form, the idea is simple, I used a lot of loans to grow my country, and now everyone gangs up on me, me with my allies can win this coalition war that I just got declared and after I will have a truce with all antagonistic Muslims, then I'll be declaring bankruptcy to stabilize my economy. So abusing loans I expanded a lot with a nation that should be hard to do so, but this brings an inevitable bankruptcy, that I am choosing to declare now, after this coalition war where Truces will be held.

    It is important to keep in your mind how many loans you can have and how many you already have. Also, make quick math adding up how much you are losing monthly to see how much time remaining you have on your hands( In this case: 15 loans remaining of 430 ducats, where I am losing 60 per month [15x430/60=107,5] This means I have 107 months remaining if I don't expand and increase this further) another tip is you can make loans and repay smaller amount loans to clean up the number of loans you can have, this way changing small loans for big ones, increasing the time it will take to become bankrupt.

    Since you know you will eventually go bankrupt, you can make some uses of money that would be inviable otherwise. You can make loans to pay your ally massive loans, it works fine because you are going bankrupt anyway and one extra alliance in an offensive war is just a cheaper mercenary who will also eat the sieges for you.

    Why Bankruptcy Works:

    There is no big malus for your existing alliances, even though you will be weak for 5 years, your vassals will not want independence, nor your allies will want to end their alliances with you. But remember to always improve relations before declaring bankruptcy, because things may go wrong somewhere, but your allies will back you up in those cases.

    The fact that there is no heavy diplomatic malus from the bankruptcy makes those two strategies viable and I hope some of you found this post useful, thank you for reading.

    Edit: I forgot to mention one thing, the Legitimacy problem can by easily bypassed if your monarch is old, or a regency is about to end, because the new ruler will come with a new legitimacy, resetting it again to a high number

    submitted by /u/MystraM
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    Should i risk it? Any advice?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:34 AM PST

    Dahomey, the heart of Africa <3

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:43 AM PST

    Yes but No

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:30 AM PST

    So many troops!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:28 AM PST

    Kongo #5 Great Power in 35 Years!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:14 PM PST

    I heard this thing is rare

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:13 AM PST

    My "faithful" ally Denmark

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Fezzan Corridors is a fun achievement

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:55 AM PST

    Is there still hope for a South America Update?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Hi guys I've played EU4 for a couple of years and I love it. At least for me its really crazy and great that a game from 2013 keeps getting updates. But been from south america it really kinda bothers me that whole area is so underrepresented especially given that it literally banked all the things that was going down in Europe (more so then say eastern usa with its disproportional development). It has chunky ass provinces, 16000 feet high chill crossings and just a general lack of flavor. So I just wanna ask you guys that been around longer and knows a little bit about the devs, especially given that they are fixing/improving north america, that something can be improved down there to before they stop doing it?

    submitted by /u/Enzo_of_Braavos
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    My first WC

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:55 AM PST

    Losing a war and a few provinces is no reason to quit. Kappa.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:55 AM PST

    I... I'm not sure how to feel about this?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:40 AM PST

    I guess england just hasn't been having a good game

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    Finally, i finished my Brandenburg game that i start 2 months ago

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    An Unlikely Candidate and Third Way in a row.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:06 AM PST

    Ahh, the famous university of ...

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Almost decided to quit when the coalition declared on me because Poland declined, but Brandenburg Ideas + Defensive Ideas let me win my first coalition war!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:35 PM PST

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