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    Monday, August 24, 2020

    EU4 My Scotland run

    EU4 My Scotland run

    My Scotland run

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Photo on Ruthenian travel website

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Mantua and Orleans are the only nations with monthly monarch points in their national ideas

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Spain with 100 trust broke alliance with me over this tiny piece of land

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    [1.30.4] NEWS: A small update from Paradox

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I see your cost to justify trade conflict, and I raise you the most useless one of them all.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Ah, yes.. The famous king from the famous dynasty

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Try Military Dictatorship they said...

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    No u

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Sexy Burgundy had pu with austria in the first 50 years and now are intergrating the Dutch.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Milan Guide 1.30

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Writing guides is a fun way of generating discussions so I thought I'd write about my favourite Italian state to play as, Milan. Milan gets the Golden Ambrosian Republic which is a great early game government and the nation has the ability to form Italy long before Napoleon. This is my guide for singleplayer using Emperor. Please note I don't use the Mare Nostrum DLC (that's the only one I don't use) so trade leagues are not a factor. If folks want to give tips for those using that DLC I'd appreciate it.

    There are a couple of things you might want to reroll for at the start, but they are optional to make things easier on yourself:

    1. Genoa allies a large nation like France or Austria

    2. Savoy or Austria Rival you

    3. No Swiss Merc Captains have any siege pips

    Starting Rivals

    1. Switzerland

    2. Genoa

    3. Ferrara or Mantua (Recommend Mantua)

    Phase 1: Humiliate the Swiss by harnessing their Mercs, Subdue Genoa, and Recover the Ducal Lands

    1. Milan can support 5 diplomatic relations. Begin by allying Savoy, and either Mantua or Ferrara, whichever you didnt rival (recommend Ferrara)

    2. Hire some Swiss mercenaries up to force limit (4,000) who have a captain with good seige pips. Winning a war whilst employing them will fulfill a mission which lowers their maintenance cost and improves their discipline for 30 years

    3. Hire advisors and seize land from estates. Recommend Morale or Discipline and Spy network or improve relations if available. Set Ragusa Merchant to collect in Genoa trade node.

    4. Declare a Humiliate Rival War on Switzerland. Employ a spot of strategy (cheese) by mothballing the fort in Como. The Swiss will march on it. Once locked in movement reactivate the fort so they suffer a -2 penalty in the upcoming battle. Once the Swiss Army is shattered siege down Bern

    5. Begin fabricating claims on Genoa and either Mantua or Ferrara, whichever you didnt rival (recommend Mantua)

    6. Make Peace with Switzerland for humilate and money. Long truce is better. This will fulfill an age objective to generate Splendor. Also no aggressive expansion

    7. Begin improving relations with Austria, Papacy, and Castille

    8. Declare war on Genoa. Optionally (recommended), call in Savoy with promise of land. Take Genoa for yourself and give Savoy Albenga. Money will be shared, but war reps go to you. Now you have permanent claims on Ferrara, Bologna, and Ravenna

    9. Attack Mantua or Ferrara depending on who you rivaled. If attacking Ferrara, call in Mantua and give them Ferrara whilst you take Modena. If Mantua then do it alone. I recommend Mantua, but if one has strong allies and the other doesn't then just go for the weaker one. You should now have added about 40 dev to your starting 86. Time to prepare for aggressive expansion.

    10. Royal Marry (if possible) and Ally Castille, Austria, and ally the Papacy. They will protect you in the event of a coalition. Rival Venice now that you have a free rival spot

    11. Declare a Reconquest War on Venice. If Mantua still exists and own Ferrara call them in to help as they should owe you. Ferrara might be willing to help if they want Venetian land. Only take your lands back to avoid a coalition forming. Give an ally Ravenna if they want it. This will give claims on Venetian lands in Northern Italy

    Choice: Golden Ambrosian Republic or the New Sforza Dynasty?

    If (When) your bad ruler dies you will either have a regency or a new ruler with low legitimacy which will fire the Golden Ambrosian Republic Disaster. Although Visconti is a weak ruler, pray to God you can royal marry Austria and Spain before he dies as then you will have an easier time allying them. The disaster will see a good general, Francesco Sforza arrive and he can become a 5/5/5 military dictator and then become a Duke, ending the Ambrosian Republic and restoring a monarchist government.

    I recommend taking Sforza as military dictator for the 5/5/5 ruler, but then switching back to the Ambrosian Republic rather than starting a new Sforza dynasty. You will have to fight a lot of rebels besieging Milan, but that is a price worth paying in my book. As such I will assume this going forwards where necessary.

    Phase 2: Aggressively Managing Aggressive Expansion

    1. By the time this is all done (1455-1460) you should have adopted the Renaissance and have unlocked your first Splendor perk. Choose Justified Wars for the lower AE. You should also try heavily to become Curia Controller for the lower AE and extra diplomat. That is hard right now, but I hope Paradox patches the Papacy to reduce its investment in becoming the next Curia

    2. Diplomats should be constantly improving relations with outraged nations and neighbours

    3. Break alliance with Ferrara or Mantua and rival them if Genoa is no longer a valid rival. Lack of Royal marriages makes this easier.

    4. Look to vassalise nations which have lost cores (Florence and Ferrara are normally good at gaining cores and losing them). Vassalising someone carries less AE than conquering them outright and can give you reconquest CB

    5. Look to fabricate claims on Trent and Saluzzo. At some point you will want to break your alliance with Savoy before the events around Geneva fire

    6. Before making peace with someone see who will form a coalition against you and buy their silence with cash (once you become a great power you can also influence nations for another +25 relations. The easiest way to beat a coalition is to reduce its starting membership

    7. When ready take out Ferrara or Mantua (don't be afraid to hand Ravenna to Venice rather than take it this instant)

    8. In your second war with Venice be sure to take Istria and release Dalmatia for the reconquest CB they have on Venice, Ragusa, and Croatia. Remember that reconquest wars carry very low AE

    9. Espionage Ideas have a perk which lowers AE, but I advise against this.

    10. Humiliation Wars are a good way of building truces with rivals so they don't join the coalition. Humilate plus gold is good, but if you have 100% war score you can also show superiority for 300 monarch points and a 15 year truce. Switzerland is a good target for this.

    11. Keep expanding like this until you have completed the Kingdom of Lombardy Mission.

    Choice: The Shadow Kingdom. Should you stay or should you go.

    Most likely, the HRE will elect to eject the Kingdom of Italy and you can choose to leave or try to stay. If you stay and don't ally the Emperor then you will receive some bad modifiers. That said, I think you should stay as Trent will stay and some small Italian states might rejoin. Some might even become free cities which are always protected by the emperor. I recommend staying for this reason and only leaving when you form Italy. As long as you are allied to Austria (i.e. the Emperor) there is no harm in it.

    Phase 3: Legitimising the Milanese Renaissance

    Milan has some great missions related to increasing Legitimacy/Republican Tradition and the level of Development in Lombardy. Assuming you have the Ambrosian Republic you can re-elect leaders and they will generate more monarch points, but re-electing them lowers Republican Tradition. This is not an issue for Sforza. These tips have no specific time, but are something you should be whilst uniting Italy.

    1. Elect militaristic (1/1/4) leaders and use the monarch points to strengthen Republican Tradition to 75 and then 95. This early on only re-elect twice (3/3/6) as after that the return on re-election isn't worth it. 100 military points for 3 Rep Trad sounds expensive, but it will pay off, trust me

    2. 75 Rep Tradition will complete a mission which will lower stability cost and increase reform progress for 20 years and unlock more missions. Choose the Republicanism and Frequency Election government reforms

    3. 95 Rep coupled with low unrest and alliances with Rome and the Emperor will complete a mission giving stability and +0.50 Rep Tradition for 20 years, allowing for you to re-elect leaders regularly and keep Rep Tradition high

    4. Building 10 courthouses after this will complete another mission which will give another +0.50 Rep Trad for 30 years. Now you can now re-elect the best rulers in Christandom and you'll need the monarch points

    5. Plutocratic and Economic ideas give a policy which can raise Rep Trad, whilst Plutocratic and Diplomatic ideas have a policy which lower the cost of re-election (and increases the role of woman in government so you can be very ahead of the times). Admin and Aristocratic ideas also provide a Rep Trad policy, but it is unlikely you'll get Ariso before the Ambrosian Republic fires

    6. Develop Milan to 30 to complete a mission further lower dev and construction costs and unlock more missions

    7. Develop Lombardy so the area has 150 dev total (basically double the areas starting amount). Try to have 20 dev in Como and 40 in Milan. This will complete a mission where Como will start producing silk and unlock more missions. You can wait for your 3rd national idea which lowers dev costs by another 10%

    8. Bank 1000 ducats and build five farm estates to complete a mission which raises the development of all Lombard provinces and unlock more missions. Textile factories are at level 11 and by then you'll probably be ready to form Italty so don't wait on this one

    9. Dev Milan up to 40 if you haven't yet to get permanent benefits to Milan and your overall econony

    Phase 4: Preparing Italy for a Punative War

    1. A Punative war is bound to happen and the best way to survive it is to fortify the passes. Have forts in Como, Saluzzo, Trent, and Friuli (can keep the one in Treviso instead, but I recommend replacing it with one here). This completes the mission Fortify the Passes and upgrades the forts to Level 4 for free! Nowhere else will have these beauties before Military Tech 14 and you should have this done by Military Tech 9

    2. If playing single player enable scutage on Dalamatia once you have all of their cores so that the AI can't take their lands as part of a punative war. Since a punative war score ticks based on battles won you can hole up in Italy and massacre armies besieging your mountain forts and ride out the storm. Most nations with powerful Med fleets should not join so you should be safe from all sides.

    3. Try to vassalise Naples once you have completed the Kingdom of Lombardy Mission. Most of the time Naples will either become independent and have to attack the Papcy, whereby you can help Naples lose land. Alternatively they can be a vassal of Aragon and you can use the Transfer Vassal Splendor perk to take it for yourself. Former is generally easier and more common. This will give you reconquests CB for Malta and Sicily whilst you take Sardinia from Aragon. Iberian wedding can delay this.

    4. If you can, try to complete the Alpine Wall mission by getting Trieste from Austria, but don't worry about that mission line if you can't. Similarly, don't worry about Union with Naples and Destroy Austria missions if you don't get to them in time.

    5. Fabricate a claim on Rome and sieze it and only it from the Papacy (break your alliance with ahead of this, but only shortly before this). Be sure you are still Curia Controller or an ally is to avoid excommunication. Otherwise be a Protestant nation. I recommend attacking Rome once the Reformation has started. Core it and endure the penalties that come with holding it. It should be a little after 1500 and you can now form Italy.

    Choice: Join the Reformation?

    I generally think you should the Reformation. Once the Papacy is gone you lose the Curia mechanic and Protestantism has an aspect of faith giving +0.10 Rep Trad. Once you own Rome you also get an extra missionary. Finally, there is a good chance you will spawn the Printing Press Institution. However, those who want historical accuracy might want to stay Catholic. Good luck with that. One benefit is that Cardinals can spread institutions so if Colonialism fires before the Reformation then they can help you embrace it faster.

    Phase 5: The Grand Republic of Italy Branches Out

    1. Complete the Unification of Italy by driving out the last foreigners and annexing Naples. This will likely fire the coalition

    2. Defeat the coaltion coming up against you

    3. You should have a large enough navy to comllete the mission and attack Tunis. Be sure to devastate the region for the achievement on Steam

    4. Dismantle the HRE. It will block your conquest of France in all likelihood

    5. Vassalise Switzerland down the road to further secure your northern border and potentially conquer more of Germany.

    6. Get an Explorer using Exploration ideas to find Ethiopia and try to ally them. Would abandon exploration ideas after this though. This will give you cliams on Egypt

    7. Bounce between the Mamluks, the Ottomans, Austria, France, North Africa, and Spain and work towards building the 2nd Roman Empire. This should help prevent any future coalitions

    Early Ideas

    Admin is vital for coring those high dev Italian provinces and improving your mercenary forces

    Plutocratic for the general benefits and policies that Republics get (If you are going back to a monarchy this is optional, but still recommended if possible)

    Diplomatic for the policy pairing and ability to help keep nations out of coalitions

    Later ideas (in no specific order)

    Humanist will be needed if going for a Roman Empire Run

    Economic for the policies and to further supercharge your rich lands

    Defensive or Offensive. You'll be sieging a lot, but defensive has many offensive perks and will make the Alps a fortress.

    Quality is better than Quantity since you can afford to pay for a good army and Quality will also improve your navy

    That about wraps this guide up. It was a lot of fun to write. Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for improvement.

    Golden Ambrosian Republic

    submitted by /u/Loyalist77
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    Is this what is called "tall Korea"?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    A Converted World Conquest from CK2 to EU4

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    The Sweden AI tried so hard for independence, only for their dynasty to be named this...

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    My map of my most recent game.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    My king just died of "old age" at 20

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Just some nice yellow borders

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    What do you guys think of my France's borders?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Per the Subreddit's demands, this is the reason why I had wait 50 years before someone came to North America! (bonus Gaelic Lords of Florida)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    This is a bit weird

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Was it repurposed into a submarine?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Luck? Yes, luck...

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:10 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    So it's 1498 and the shadow kingdom never fired. Is this a thing that happens?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

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