• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    EU4 What a beautiful Red, you expected Denmark but it was me Texas !

    EU4 What a beautiful Red, you expected Denmark but it was me Texas !

    What a beautiful Red, you expected Denmark but it was me Texas !

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:51 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Great Perm finally!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    First time playing Marry me by force Simulator... I mean Bohemia !

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    I heard you like encircleme.. Ohh wait wrong game

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    I have achieved the absolute heresy

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Some solid name placements right there

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    this is unironicaly the first time I've gotten this event.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    "Wait, the Empire is all Protestant?" "Always has been."

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Ottomans going back to the steppes

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    This is NOT why I paid for those officers

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    When ask the 10 year old heir to name a province after his deceased older brother

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Very Strong Seeds

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    I present to you the proud colony of the revolution, "France but with more red"

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Didn't Realise Croatia had such a cool ruler

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    A difficult decision.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Cursed Australia

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    i fear no man but that thing, it scares me

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Favorite Idea Group

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Hi all. While I know the ideas you take heavily depend on who you play, what would you say your favorite idea group is? I'd have to say for me it is a tie between Quantity and Religious ideas. Quantity is just so handy for fielding a large army. While Religious give you Deus Vult, which is so handy when expanding outside your home area and during the reformation. I'm curious what other people have for favorites and why.

    submitted by /u/DnD_Dude123
    [link] [comments]

    why i cant make jerusalem kigdom?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Who needs to defend when you can carpet siege?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:09 AM PDT

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