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    Friday, June 5, 2020

    EU4 And that's how I learned that over-extension is more than just a number

    EU4 And that's how I learned that over-extension is more than just a number

    And that's how I learned that over-extension is more than just a number

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    [1.30] NEW Revolutionary Government Reforms

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Poetic Justice

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    The largest naval battle I've ever fought, feat. ship boarding doctrine is OP

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    The Republic of Colombia

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    This Beautiful AI Sardinia-Piedmont

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    How to Break EUIV Trade Income (Richie Rich: A CO-OP MP)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    1.29 Muscovy to Russia 1444 to 1500 early game guide

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    After testing a few different starting moves, I came up with my favorite strategy. It will be divided into several parts, such as military, diplomacy and management.

    First, lets start with the opening move.

    1. Pause the game, hire 3 advisors.For admin -2 unrest is ideal, + tax income/+ yearly inflation rate is acceptable too, you don't need missionary strength at the beginning because most land you would conquer would be orthodox. You could also use the clergy estate action to get a lv 2 unrest advisor, it would be slightly more expensive but you can pay for it as Muscovy, in my opinion it is worth.For diplomacy, +1 diplo rep is ideal, improve relation/trade efficacy are acceptable too.For military, Discipline/morale are the best, -maintenance/+ national manpower are acceptable too.
    2. Make your ruler a general, attach him to an army and start moving towards Kaluga. Attach the 3/4/3 general to another army and start moving towards the northern frontier(vologda, totma, ustyug) destroy fort in Mozhaisk
    3. Build infantry until you reach your army limit, the manpower should be just enough. Be aware that don't use the cossack estate supply arms yet.
    4. Set rivals, Novgorod, Denmark, Kazan.
    5. Set all your vassals to Aggressive. Set all vassals to divert trade to you except Perm. You don't need Perm's trade power because they will collect in White sea node and it will be wasted for you to take it. Use the placate local rulers on Pskov if you have positive prestige. All vassals except Pskov should have less than 50% liberty desire soon especially if you have a diplo rep advisor.
    6. Set the merchant to collect in Novgorod, and policy Hostile trading. Send one merchant from Kiev to Kazan, and policy Establish Communities.
    7. Give Yuriev to Burghers, Use the call diet and demand military support on Boyars. Don't do anything on Burghers yet. Use seek support of the clergy, recruit minister, make generous donation. And then go to raise stability to +1. And then come back to demand administrative power. Use expand cossack register and permit self governance and conscript elite cossacks.Be sure to use the demand monarch power when the estate influence is above 75% to get 150 points.
    8. Use the edict protect trade in Moscow and Vladimir.
    9. Conscrete Metropolitan in Moscow, Suzdal and Galich.
    10. Set Icon of St.Michael in religion tab. Manpower and Discipline are very helpful.

    Now you can unpause the game. Embargo all your rivals. Then royal marriage all your vassals except pskov. Start improving relations with pskov and then other vassals whenever possible. Use one diplomacy to build spy network in novgorod.

    Soon your infantry will be ready, then you can complete the mission 'invade novgorod' and get claims on almost every province of Novgorod. Now use the supply arm cossack interaction, and declare war on Novgorod with the 'Conquest Novgorod' CB, disable divert trade on pskov now to make them loyal so they will help you in the war, if a vassal is over 50% liberty desire, it will only sit in its own territory. Use the raise war tax for 50 military power. Ideally Novgorod will only have Odoyev as an ally, that happens in 80% of games, if not, just restart, it would be easier even though you could win without restarting. Send your army waiting at Kaluga to attack Odoyev asap and start sieging their only province. and the other army and the new infantry units north to carpet siege Novgorod with your vassals' help. After that combine your army and head towards Novgorod and siege it, Novgorod's army should not be a threat, you can just stackwipe it whenever you see the opportunity or just avoid it and let your vassals fight them. Whether you suffer casualty, try not to reinforce but to consolidate regiment, you don't have that much manpower to reinforce it anyways. Use embargo rivals whenever you can keep the liberty desire under 50%. And place relative on throne on Perm.

    Separate peace Odoyev and fully annex. After you win the war to 95-100% warscore, get Novgorod, Kholm, Luki, Ingermanland, Neva, Priozersk, Karelia, White karelia and Kola, and take some gold for the rest of warscore. This is the optimal peace deal, because 1. you totally secure the western frontier, so no other nation could attack Novgorod and take their land except Tver, which is a good thing, I will explain later. 2. There are 2 trade centers and it will boost your income in Novgorod.

    Next raise autonomy and core the newly conquered land. Change the trade policy in Novgorod to maximize profit and hostile trading in Kazan. Use the influence nations on your vassal, revoke embargo whenever a rival is removed. Set the new rival Poland, and embargo it. Turn your army towards the east, near the Penza province. Use one diplomat to build spy network in Kazan and then ally great horde, they should accept if they also set Kazan as a rival. Start a war against Kazan with the 'reconquest Perm' cb, call great horde in and promise land, its very important to immediately siege penza so you will get it instead of great horde, if Kazan is allied to Crimea it will also call in Crimea but they should not be a threat. Separate peace Crimea with white peace or demand war rep whether possible, golden horde may just siege them for you. Your army should siege down Kazan. After you win the war, take war rep, take Penza for yourself and give Perm to Perm, and humiliate Kazan. Don't give golden horde anything and they will break alliance with you next.

    Remove the estate at ustyug and unstate it. After the land is cored, exploit base tax development in Neva and Ingermanland, this is advantageous as it reduces the admin point required to make it a state core. Make the Novgorod and South Karelia as states. Use protect trade edict in South Karelia state. Give Neva and Novgorod to Burghers, Kholm to clergy. Make Novgorodian an acceptable culture. Soon you will get an event to urbanize Novgorod, then you can use the Burgher estate interaction, recruit minister, ask contribution and demand diplomatic support.

    Core Penza and convert it to Orthodox, it is quite difficult to convert it, so that +2% missionary strength advisor, making it a state core temporarily +2%,the enforce religious unity edict +1%, giving it to the Clergy with 60% loyalty or above +2% may be useful in this case.

    Then set your army maintenance to zero after the war and consolidate your regiment and wait. Move your army to your capital. Improve relationship with your vassals if you have a diplomat, when it is maxed at 200 then improve relationship with Ottomans, Ottomans should be your ally for the early game.

    Most players thought that they needed 3 wars to annex Novgorod lol, but what if I play a little trick to let Tver take their land? Tver should be the only nation that could attack Novgorod and they would do so. Just let them do it and take Novgorod province, meanwhile position your army near Tver and its ally (mostly Ryazan). Then attack Tver, and take the Novgorod province that you have claims on, don't take Tver provinces, take war rep and money. Separate peace Ryazan, take war rep, money, and annul all alliance that they have.

    In 1454, you can start annexing Yaroslav and Rostov, try to time it so that the annexation finishes in the same month. Give yaroslav to Burghers and consecrate metropolitan whenever possible.

    After renaissance has spawned, wait until Moscow state has prosperity and use the encourage development edict to dev push to spawn renaissance in Moscow, then you can embrace it immediately. Military power should be used first, then diplo, then admin. You can sell institution to the highest bidder. England and Ottomans are the best choices. Ally Ottoman whether possible.

    Then you can complete the Tame the steppes mission once you have converted Penza to Orthodox, next war would be against Great Horde, you can take their land except Astrakhan's core + Manych. Release Astrakhan so you can reconquest the rest of great horde next. Next just attack Kazan/great horde/nogai/crimea/theodoro one by one and take their land, threaten war on Genoa or declare with take azov cb and call in Ottomans/ wait until you have enough warscore to demand the provinces in Crimea. Make Kazani an acceptable culture and convert them with the mission bonus.

    Finish Novgorod in the next war, and complete the conquer Novgorod mission, this will give you claims on the whole Russia, next finish Tver and Ryazan.

    In around 1465, you can start annexing Beloozero and Pskov at the same time. After that you should only have Perm, Astrakhan as vassals. You can ally circassia, royal marriage and diplo vassalize them easily after. And you should have Ottoman as your only ally. In the east, you should take one province from Uzbek and release Kazakh. Use reconquest to take Kazakh core against Nogai/Transoxiana/Uzbek/chagatai/oirat.

    Attack Livonian order and fully annex, they should be an easy target because they don't have big allies. You should attack asap after you get claims on them because Denmark also wants those land. If Riga joins the war, separate peace them and force religion.

    Next, integrate Perm, Astrakhan. At this point you can become the defender of faith.

    When you get the first Age of discovery ability, choose the 'Transfer subject', then declare war on Denmark and take Norway as a vassal. Declare on Poland and take Moldavia as a vassal, get a few Lithuania province that you have claims on too. If Denmark calls in its ally in the HRE, don't take their province, instead siege them down and force religion and take war rep and gold, you can make most of the HRE orthodox this way, and undermine Emperor authority a lot.

    Take Age of discovery ability in the following order, transfer subject, improve war tax, justified wars.

    Get Ottoman as an ally whenever possible. Declare on Hungary with Moldavian wargoal conquest (if there is one), call in Ottomans with promise land, let Ottoman fight while you sit back, Ottoman should lose a lot of manpower if the HRE emperor joins, but you should be able to get a positive warscore, drag on the war as long as possible to hurt Ottomans, then take the province and return Ottoman core/ give Ottoman 1-2 province if necessary. Take war rep to make yourself rich. This war may not give much to you but it is totally worth it to hurt Ottomans' early game.

    Set Austria to rival and scornful insult them. Try to keep the Ottomans as an ally. Don't dishonor the 'promise land'. You can use Ottomans to 1. Mess with Poland/HRE emperor 2. By giving Ottomans a long truce with one province and wasting their manpower., you can slow down Ottoman's expansion.

    When you have enough favor, attack Austria with humiliate rival CB, call in Ottomans, again let them fight Austria and you sit back, take whatever you can, even white peace is ok. The objective is to hurt both the HRE and Ottomans as much as possible. Your conquest should focus on the east.

    Around 1500 colonialism should spawn and you can use Kashin to dev push to spawn it, Military power should be used first, then diplo, then admin. At admin 10 you should form Russia and move the capital to Neva. Use siberian frontier to colonize siberia. You should have Norway, Mordavia, Circassia, Kazakh as vassals, and Ottoman as ally. It is better to expand eastwards into China and southwards into Asia horde/China for multiple reasons, because those trade nodes flows into your capital, you can make trade companies in Asia, there is less coalition in Asia than Europe, Ming is weak and rich compared to HRE, Asian religions (Buddhist/Confucian/Tengri) are easier to convert. In my games, I didn't rush in Persia to stop Ottoman expansion early, because that would trigger massive coalition easily, and I can simply keep Ottoman busy fighting with HRE every 10 years so they can't afford to expand into Persia. After conquering the whole Asia, you can come back to destroy Europe and Ottomans.


    Religious Orthodox convert is powerful + Orthodox bonus is powerful, deus vult CB is compulsory after you don't get claims for missions anymore, deus vult can be used on almost every nation

    Diplomatic more diplomats, and as Russia you can fabricate claims on the whole state, that saves a lot of admin points.

    Admin fast coring, faster conquest, less unrest

    Offensive Good combat bonus, siege helps to end war faster and saves money manpower, reduce unrest

    Humanist- speed up conquest and reduces unrest, makes it possible to go over 100% Overextension

    Exploration/influence for colonies/ exploring undiscovered land

    Exploration/influence for integrating vassals/unjustified demands



    1. Always raise autonomy to prevent rebels, you can use Russian ability reform sudebnik to lower autonomy whether you get 100 points. Combined with Support Oprichnina you will almost never get rebels.
    2. Don't raise you stability beyond +1 because there is a penalty from relying on cossack and streltsy, there are plenty of events that will give you stability.
    3. There is no need to build infantry and cavalry as Muscovy/Russia, you can always give steppe land to cossack and raise cossack, and use Russian ability raise Streltsy to get a lot of free infantry/cavalry that are much stronger, you should only build artillery, and infantry/cavalry minimally.
    4. Use estate interaction wisely. Conscript elite cossack is totally not worth it, I only used it once at the beginning of 1444.
    5. You can switch between accepted culture to make conversions much faster, for example in early game Kazani, Mishar, Astrakhani, Perm. later Turkish, spanish, english and any large culture groups in general are good targets for such actions.
    6. Consecrate Metropolitan to make Patriarch Authority to 100 as soon as possible, if you have spare military points you can develop some Muscovite land to make the total state development 30
    7. Play around alliance and rivals, use nations against each other to benefit yourself. Ottomans should be the most important one.
    8. Only get land you have claims on early game, you need a lot of diplo point early and you should not waste it. So focus on fulfilling your missions to get new claims or get deals that are totally worth, for example transfer Norway and Moldavia as vassals.
    9. Don't try to discover new nations/request maps except in very rare circumstances, if they don't see you, they won't get the aggressive expansion against you.
    10. Consolidate your army whenever possible, as Russia you will get more than enough infantry and cavalry from cossack and streltsy, on top of that you can always use your vassals' units to fight for you.
    11. Try to keep the status quo between Austria and Ottomans as long as possible so you can keep them fighting each other to hurt both of them.
    12. Recruit a general to the leader limit, so you will keep getting 1% army professionalism and you should keep it, so you will slowly go towards 100%.
    13. Optional. You can build 20 churches to complete the mission land of churches. It is worth it, and it pays back itself fast as most lands give high tax income. Higher patriarch authority also gives higher conversion power so it reduces the missionary cost, in the end it saves you a lot of money.
    14. Try to keep one or two 'free' state so you can make a temporary state and use the enforce religious unity to convert faster and then unstate it.
    15. Make nations steer trade to you whenever possible and when you don't want to attack them yet.

    That's all of my guide, hopefully you have a great time playing Muscovy/Russia. If you have any suggestion, feel free to comment.

    submitted by /u/bblover223
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    My first completed game!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    10 Haunting Pictures taken before disaster

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    You could say I was "Under Prussia" to do this run ;)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    The Famous Five Tunises

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    [1.30] NEW Powerful Burgher Estate Privileges

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I just added my hometown Bologna and Emilian culture (in Emilian language) to EU4

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Ryazan trying the no CB into East Frisia tactic

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Took me way too long and it's not too impressive, but my greatest accomplishment so far: united entire Italian region

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Just wondering if these suggestions are reasonable

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Great Perm 1735

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    I hope Emperor makes the AI HRE succeed more often. It’s always a bummer to watch them just decay.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    I know historically they did just stagnate. But I would prefer if they usually got through most of the reforms in either path, or if Germany unified often before game end. Do you agree?

    submitted by /u/CaesarISaGod
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    The Spanish Empire... and a few other guys.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Ah yes, the Castilian Prussian Emirate off the coast of Madagascar. Wonderful

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Ahhh yes, cuba

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    My first completed game and first map!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    What are the most fun countries?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I just finished a campaign as Aragon, and I'm looking for a country that has a good economy, a good army, but still fun. Could I have some suggestions?

    submitted by /u/EarlyBuizel
    [link] [comments]

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