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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    EU4 The best insult Eastern Rome could give Austria

    EU4 The best insult Eastern Rome could give Austria

    The best insult Eastern Rome could give Austria

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:19 PM PST

    Is this Australia?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Hello to the new and old of r/eu4!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Hello r/eu4,

    Recently, I have noticed a beautiful thing: an influx of new players to Europa Universalis 4!

    And we have HumbleBundle to thank for it. A lot of old and new players recently bought the game in all it's glory (yeah, I said it, suck it "Conquest of Paradise"). The usual 200$ price tag (for the full experience) that was an obstacle for so many people, including myself, was finally brought down.

    And then, as I was surfing r/eu4 to see the crazy shit that people do in this wonderful game, I saw something unusual. A spike in "Advice Needed" and "First time [x]" posts. And advice and cheers were given. A testament to the beautiful thing that is the r/eu4 community.

    However, I realized: maybe a lot of these new players don't have the time to finish the 1444h tutorial. Maybe some of them will get really frustrated over some mechanics. Maybe someone will de-install the game after getting rekt by Ulm for the 5th time.

    So I decided to make this account, run by me and my buddy who are both seasoned veterans that passed the second tutorial (also known as >2000h). This account will focus on bringing a new country guide weekly to the r/eu4 community.

    Each strategy will be thoroughly analyzed (statistics, yay!), averaging 15 test games per guide (10 normal, 5 ironman), depending on us feeling like playing as Kale for the 7th time in a row. The guides will focus on getting a country off to the best possible start with no/minimal restarts and savescums, and will utilize and exploit patterns countries in the region tend to follow. They will also include good alternative routes you can take as a country and possible scenarios that may occur.

    These won't be full 1444-1821 walkthroughs. Instead, they will focus on the time period needed to solidify your country as a regional/world power, usually to about mid-1500s.

    We will also be doing achievement and mechanics guides by request, and regularly update them with the new patches.

    So the hereditary question: Why the hell do we want to do this?

    2 reasons. First, a lot of the guides we see online are outdated or very rng/savescum/restart based. For new players, this is an exhausting concept, and sucks the enjoyment out of just hopping into the game and roflstomping Ottomans with Fetishist Albania in 1445. Disclaimer: not really a thing.

    The second reason is, we want to thank you guys, the EU4 community. For 6 years we've been playing this game, and every step of the way we enjoyed your crazy antics, your support and your general good vibes. This guide account will be our way of giving back some of that joy you guys brought us.

    Our debut guide, featuring Croatia, will be coming up this evening (20ish CET), and we would love to hear your feedback on this little project of ours :)

    Thank you for your time and godspeed, conquerors!

    EDIT: The Croatia guide is now live!

    submitted by /u/HolyGuidance
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    I see your 4 simultaneous inheritances and raise you to 5! Still have PU's over Spain and England

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:34 AM PST

    Playing as kongo and the first european nation to show up is granada... Wondering what is going on over there

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:07 AM PST

    Country Guides - Croatia

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Hello kraljs, pandurs, hajduks and krabaters of r/eu4!

    As promised, the pilot guide for the "Country Guides" series is here. For anyone that doesn't know what we're talking about, this is the link to the post.

    Today, we are featuring:


    Challenge: Medium

    We'll start off by crunching some numbers for the strat we came up with:

    • Test games: 12 - 8 normal, 4 ironman
    • Average years played per game: 67.5
    • Successful games: 9
    • Failed games: 2
    • "AI went batshit" games: 1
    • RNG factor: 0.18 - (0 - no RNG required, 1 - you're better off buying a lottery ticket)
    • Average development per game: 236.6

    Why Croatia?

    Well, the reason why we picked Croatia for our pilot guide is that we got the idea to make EU4 Country Guides (and other) while playing a MP game with Croatia and Bosnia. We had absolutely no strat ready and kinda just had to restart a hundred times to get the perfect start. But while restarting I noticed well developed patterns forming in the Balkans region, which made me think: Why should most guides be heavily RNG dependent?

    So we decided to make a guide account dealing with game testing that would come up with strats that rely more on skill, timing and resourcefulness than luck.

    Ok but why the hell Croatia gameplay wise?

    Croatia is in a really interesting spot once released from Hungary. The Balkans in EU4 is a mosh pit, where Ottomans is the 500lb blob of pure rage and steroids and the smaller countries are the guys that said they like metal because of the clothes. How is Croatia any different?

    Because Croatia can ally the Ottomans. Yeah, really.

    Let's look at the pros:

    • Easy access to two powerful allies (Poland and Ottomans) due to unknown opinion at release
    • Pretty good access to the Venice trade node
    • Can easily overpower both Bosnia and Serbia once independent
    • Easy expansion into Italy
    • Cool flag and color

    Now the cons:

    • Proximity to Venice
    • Ottomans are bound to break your alliance at some point
    • Requires some political maneuvering at the start

    So, without further ado, let's start this debut guide!

    Act I: The Fine Art of Burying Hungary

    So, to play as Croatia, we need to release them from Hungary. But before we do this, let's make our game easier by absolutely wrecking Hungary's shit.

    To start, rival Poland, Ottomans and Austria (to prevent Hungary from allying it once free). Send a scornful insult to Poland if they didn't rival you because when you do they'll go "Oh no he didn't!" and rival you back. Ally Venice (explained later).

    Next, exploit the Estates. For new players, you do this by going to the Estates tab and going ham on the actions you can do.

    • For Nobility: Call Diet, Recruit Minister and Take Military Points and Levies.
    • For Clergy: Recruit Minister and Inquisitor, Seek Support and Take Admin Points
    • For Burghers: Monopoly Charters and Take Diplo Points

    Now take all those points and pour them into the Zagreb province by developing it. Next, destroy every fort EXCEPT the one in Zagreb.

    Now, fire Janos Hunyadi because he is a slacker and, if you want, delete the Hungarian army and make 15 infantry divisions. Also debase currency 5 times in the economy tab and switch to autocracy in the goverment tab for that sweet 20 corruption.

    Oh and absolutely crucial: let the month tick to 1st of December so the rivals get registered!

    Act II: Freedom!

    Now that you gave Hungary cancer, it's time to release yourself. For new players, go to your country's diplomacy tab and click the little flag icon on the bottom. Select Croatia and check "Play as released vassal".

    Welcome to Croatia! Now get ready for 5 years of sitting around doing jack shit because truce plotting your war with Hungary. Appoint your diplomats to improve with Poland and Ottomans, exploit estates (but don't let them get over 80%) and set a military focus to grab an early Military Tech. Train 5 infantry and 2 cavalry when you get chance. Also, your average random ruler roll is 3.5/4/3 across 12 games which is not bad.

    And now we wait. The second your truce with Hungary ends, ask support from Poland and Ottomans. And immediately after they accept declare war.

    They will do most of the work, you just avoid enemy deathstacks and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T GET STACKWIPED. Getting stackwiped will add 10 years minimum to your dream of a World Conquest.

    Poland and Ottomans will do the job for you, you just siege a couple of provinces and find 1k stacks to kill so you get your participation up.

    The hardest part: picking between Poland and Ottomans.

    This is arguably the toughest choice you'll have to make along with the comet event. You have to take Dalmatia (Venice) and Szerem (Hungary). Dalmatia because you have a core there already and Szerem because Serbia (if they still exist) will declare on Hungary and take Belgrade, which gives you a land border with them. But, you only got enough warscore to satisfy one ally, so you have to pick which. It's a personal preference really, but I usually go with Poland because they are more helpful in the long run. If you manage to keep both allies, you either don't need this guide or you're a wizard.

    Once that's done, congratulations! You now have your very own country.

    Act III: Expansion

    Now the fun part: burning stuff down.

    Your obvious first route of expansion is Bosnia. You have a truce with Hungary and Venice so fill your appetite for clay with all that sweet sweet undeveloped Bosnian land. Start improving relations with Venice's rivals and stabilize your country.

    You can also migrate to Italy, because both Ferrara and Naples (provided they broke off) are ripe for fabricating claims.

    Once the truce is up, you should attack Hungary, with Poland or Ottomans help of course. They will always want Hungarian land. If they're still allied to Venice, be sure to siege them down and hopefully take Venice and rename it to Mleci. If you are in the clear for aggressive expansion, take Istria as well.

    At this point, you are a pretty solid regional power, with a powerful ally (or more if you are savvy) and a good income from trade. From here on, the World is your oyster!


    Start with Defensive, and then either Humanist (expanding in the Balkans) or Administrative (expanding in Central Europe). Diplomatic is always a good pick for the 3rd idea set, and so is Quantity.

    After that, take whatever you feel you need.

    Things to watch for

    Ottomans will rival Hungary 73% of the time at the very start, while Poland will be on exactly 50% chance to rival Hungary at the start, which becomes 100% after rivaling them as Hungary and scornfully insulting them.

    Keep an eye out for how Italy is turning out, because you can get some nice clay there if you catch them off guard.

    Alternative to expanding in the Balkans and Central Europe would be no-CBing Circassia and vassalizing them to escape to the steppes and build up a powerbase (not recommended for new players)


    Croatia is a fun country with a challenging start, stuck in the middle of the hot mess that is the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. You have the aggressive expansion galore to the north and west of you, the big green wall to the south and the pink beast to the east (ayy).

    While not recommended for absolute beginners, I would absolutely recommend trying out this country for new players that got the basics of the game down. It's a pretty good and obscure pick for learning how to make a small country a regional/world power.


    Thank you on reading our pilot guide for the "Country Guides" series. Next week we have two countries coming up, England and Muscovy.

    We would appreciate your feedback, advice and criticisms in the comments on how to improve our series. Also, if you see any problems with the guide, tell us so we can fix it.

    Godspeed conquerors!

    submitted by /u/HolyGuidance
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    Annexing half of spain and half of greece at the same time might not have been a good idea

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:30 AM PST

    cursed tengri republic ming

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:10 AM PST

    Cursed iberia

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:08 AM PST

    1.29.5 released, fixing the security issue that was found yesterday

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Made the Kaiserreich Austria gang

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I don't really know what to say.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:34 AM PST

    "I'm You, But Stronger"

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Ah yes, Sultanate of Scotland

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Hello, is this Britain? Yes we would like your island please.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Rate my Uncommonwealth

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Crete - More than an island

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:29 AM PST

    grandest duchy of lithuania

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:31 PM PST

    I inherited 4 personal union simultaneously

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:27 PM PST

    France are you okay?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Day 150, the Ottomans still havent noticed.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    I thought of an interesting way to try to have fun/improve guides.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:57 AM PST

    All you have to do is type your username like this, { lambquentin } and an idea set will pop up for a random nation. Now it may not always give a nation which starts at 1444 so you can give it another whirl.

    submitted by /u/lambquentin
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