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    Friday, December 13, 2019

    EU4 Just had to add the cherry on top

    EU4 Just had to add the cherry on top

    Just had to add the cherry on top

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:57 AM PST

    ottoman empire are you ok...

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:22 PM PST

    Brandenburg inherits the lowlands! (1489, ironman, colorized)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:41 AM PST

    I've created a monster

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:29 AM PST

    Oh yeah, we know all about the land of Japan. What 's a China though?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:31 AM PST

    Look how the tables have turned...

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:58 AM PST


    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:45 PM PST

    Everyone knows who the real nation to play Prussia is!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:11 PM PST

    When you play a non ironman-run...

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:26 AM PST

    A eu4 picture (Young mehmed 2 the conqueror invades italy) btw i'm turk and i love my grandfather

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:35 AM PST

    Denmark updated starting guide

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    I'm making this guide because I'd like there to be a really detailed and smart starting guide for every country in EU4, and this is my second so far. My plan is to update this guide whenever something more optimal reveals itself. With that said please use the comment section to put your ideas forth in case there is something that can be made better. Remember this is a starting guide but feel free to discuss future expansion possibilities in the comment section. Now let's get to the strategy.

    TL:DR: With the promise of land/vital interest mechanic, use Poland/Lithuania to get all center of trade/estuaries in the baltic Sea as well as getting a foothold in southern Scotland to prohibit England's expansion and also for you to expand there much earlier. You'll then secure important provinces in Novgorod followed by Conquest in England with France as your Ally.


    1. Remove fort in Sjaelland. Royal marriage Holstein. Improve relations with Sweden and Poland, build Spynetwork in Teutonic order, set trade policy in the baltic sea to spy network. Do estate interaction for mp, get 3 LVL 1 advisors. Build up to force limit with infantry regiments and two mercenary infantry regiments. Move this army to Lund but don't lower army maintenance, Rebels will transfer from Gotland to Gonge soon. Consider getting "Draft Ships For War" from Burghers to be able to beat England's Navy later on, I'd recommend you do this since it makes that war much easier.
    2. Set some provinces in Scotland and Novgorod to provinces of vital interest, this will make it so Sweden/Norway fabricates claims which give you future CB against these countries. Also set all of Livonian Order, Riga, Königsberg, Memel, Danzig to provinces of vital interest, this will make it so that your allies will give you occupation of these provinces in the war to come.
    3. I'd set national focus to Administrative Power. Set rivals. Scotland, Livonian Order, Teutonic Order and Novgorod are all excellent picks. You will get an event soon regarding rebels, choose no rebels and instead get +1 stability.
    4. Kill the transferred rebels in Gonge and then siege down Gotland. From here it's a bit of a waiting game until 1 January 1450. Make claims on all coastal provinces of Teutonic order. Mothball all forts and lower maintenance while you wait. Ally and royal marriage Poland as soon as you can.
    5. Have a diplomat free, and pause the game on 1 January 1450. Declare war of conquest against Teutonic Order and call in Poland by the promise of land. If Livonian has not allied Muscovy, then call them in as co-belligerent. This war will be fairly easy depending on how many allies Teutonic & Livonian Order have, just separate peace all their allies with war reps with the exception of Scotland, Riga, Livonian Order. If Scotland joins the war you want to separate peace them by taking West & East March to cripple England and set you up for future expansion. After that, separate peace Riga by annexing that province. When that's done, Separate peace Livonian Order. "The Baltic Fleet" mission is quite useless, so you don't have to take those provinces. I'd take Golding, Mitau and Lettgallen to prohibit Poland/Lithuania to take those provinces later.
    6. Finally send peace Deal to Teutonic order, taking Danzig, Königsberg, and Memel while giving Poland one province outside the baltic sea trade node, so they won't break the alliance. Try fit in a humiliate rival in this or one of the previous peace deals.
    7. Great, now you should be able to pick a new rival. Take England and start to improve relations with France, they will be the replacement of Holstein which you will be able to annex quite soon. If you fought Scotland and took provinces from them, start building a spy-network to get a claim on one province in England for the conquest CB. If you did not, you can start to plan a war against them in the near future with Norway's conquest CB. Don't be scared that France will join, if you move your army to Orkney you can carpet siege Scotland and peace out with one or two provinces, France will not be able to do a thing, You can even ally them after most of the time.
    8. Now, Look at the truce between Muscovy and Novgorod, you will have to fight Novgorod before that truce expires, with the intent of taking Neva, Ingermanland and if possible Novgorod. Take that fight whenever you want, they are really weak.
    9. Alright. Hopefully, you are done with the Novgorod war and have regained some of your manpower while allying France. All that's left now is to move your army to your foothold in England and declare war when ready. Use the promise of land to get France to join. If you did "Draft Ships For War" you can build a superior Navy to England which will help in this war.
    10. That's the end of this starting guide, discuss further strategy in the comments.

    If you like this guide, you might want to check out my previous work: "Advanced Sweden Guide"

    submitted by /u/mythos541
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    Strat to take down Ulm?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:19 PM PST

    So I was playing late game and formed the roman empire as Byzantium and started to try to take over all of Europe instead of just Rome provinces. However while I was expanding I noticed Ulm, 200 discipline, and 400 morale. How do I beat these super soldiers?

    submitted by /u/Randomguy459
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    All games and DLC are on sale now through the end of the year!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:22 AM PST

    Franco-Prussian War of AE - (1595 colorized|)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:22 AM PST

    Migratory Oldenburg

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:32 AM PST

    First time I hold my own against Ottos and I get this error. I tried restarting and checking game files. No idea how to get out of this.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:35 PM PST

    I decided to make a map after my OttoBlob campaign

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:27 AM PST

    I may not get the WC I planned, but I'll think about this and be satisfied anyway.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST

    Holiday DLC Giveaway - $200 in Prizes!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:28 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Note this was approved by mods (R:6).

    This is a pretty simple giveaway and all entrants are eligible for up to 2 DLC of their choice. The entrance requirements are simple: active members of this community with over 200 hours in the game (those who are close in the hours but are active on here will be considered as well).

    To enter, simply add a comment here with your two choices for DLC and add me on Steam (so I can send you the DLC). Native Minotaur on steam.

    I will update the post when all DLC has been given away. Happy holidays.

    Update: the Steam sale ended shortly after posting but the DLC is still on sale at paradoxplaza. I will likely be buying from there but still providing steam keys.

    submitted by /u/NativeMinotaur
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    Me when France and Denmark become princes in the HRE

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:48 AM PST

    Do you think playable trade companies could/should be a thing?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    I think playable trade companies would be a pretty cool idea. I imagine it as a colonial subject with a unique government type that gets special trade, naval and production focussed NIs but can't culture convert, pays a hefty percentage of its income to its motherland and if it declares independence loses all its bonuses.

    First of all, would anyone even want to play as a trade company? I think the Dutch VOC is one of the most interesting concepts in history and I always wanted to play as them or a fictional equivalent nation of different culture. There are quite a lot of posts on this sub titled something along the lines of "I just wanted to have a chill colonisation game,, and while I know that these posts are usually just there to show of some lucky personal unions, I think that there really are some people here that would like to sometimes play as a colonizer without having to deal with European wars. I certainly do sometimes. I once tried to achieve "Meissner porcelain,, as Saxony and while I wanted to roleplay as a Saxon China Company, me constantly being dragged into European wars made that quite difficult. Campaigns like this one make me wish for a way of getting involved in Africa and Asia without worrying about Europe. My idea to have that is turning TCs into actual tags

    So if there is demand for this type of nation, how could it be implemented? I imagine it as a hybrid between colonial nation and vassal on scutage. It would be very lucrative to have a TC vassal but you wouldn't be able to call them into offensive wars and they wouldn't be able to call you. It should be still possible to concede provinces in the trade region to a TC subject there in a peace deal. You could actively expand your TC via wars or just have the subject do it itself. While it could be possible to keep the current TC system as an alternative I don't see any point in that personally. I'd say the choice should be between administering a trade region yourself or releasing it as a TC subject. Having a choice here is especially important considering not having one would make one-tag WCs and one faiths impossible.

    Why would you establish a trade company? Currently giving land to a TC grants the province some buffs but makes it impossible to covert there. You also get a merchant if you are successful in trading in that node. The gains you make from that should be kept. You should still get a merchant if your company is successful, same as you get one from a colony. But the trade bonuses are now paid directly in cash to you as a sort of vassal tax. While you don't militarily benefit from TC land anymore and don't get boni from owning the trade goods directly you now get a flat amount of cash every month or year and don't have to worry that it's conquered in a war. They pay for their own forts and don't give access to enemy nations. Also the TC would deal with its own rebels so you don't have to divide your army. The TC develops and builds with its own acquired resources. It also doesn't drain your state limit. But most importantly, it'd give you new interactions and having more options is always nice, isn't it? Via the subject interaction interface you could press ships and regiments, control tariffs and make them embargo your rivals and wage wars against theirs without their parent nations getting involved. Just like with colonial nations. There should also be estate interactions connected to the TC. The burghers are an essential factor for the well being of the company and its well being and behaviour could depend on influence and loyality of your estate.

    How would a trade company play? If you decide to establish one instead of administering the land yourself you should be offered to play as the company. Your flag and name is based on your home country but should also be customisable. Upon switching to the new nation the first thing the player notices is that despite all the massive bonuses on trade and production you get, most of your income gets siphoned off to the motherland. That's so that playing a TC isn't too easy despite the bonuses. You'd also have to defend your shipping routes against pirates yourself. This would give you something to do in peace and make playing a TC interesting. War and expansion is challenging as well; At the one hand you probably won't be attacked as that'd call in your parent and their friends but you can't call them in if you attack yourself so you need to have strong allies. The European great powers wouldn't ally you however as a TC is usually pretty small with a tiny army. So to expand you'd have to rely on better technology and native allies. You'd also have a modifier to greatly reduce your liberty desire to show that while you have full autonomy your still closer to the homeland than a colony is. If you however get above 50% LD and decide to declare independence you'd lose your special government type and get treated like an independent colony.

    The mechanics of your government type should reflect that you are a company. They'd do this via two new concepts: rentability and the board of directors. Rentability replaces legitimacy and is influenced by three factors. The burgher estate loyality, how often you press a button to send money to your employer and prosperity/devastation of your provinces. Rentability does the same thing republican tradition does but also determines the likelihood of you receiving certain events. Having high rentability leads to you getting positive events and vice versa. A positive event gives you money, PowerPoints, development, manpower and various cost reductions. Negative events lead to loss of PowerPoints and money as well as to massive corruption. Also if your rentability tanks your overlord will change your ruler which brings me to the next point. The board of directors. Like a revolutionary Republic you can choose from three candidates for rulership from three different factions. The defence forces (mil focus) the traders (dip) and the bureaucrats (adm). Depending on who you choose ruler stats will be different and you get different bonuses. If your rentability is low however you'll get a 0/0/0 candidate that reflects that the motherland doesn't trust you anymore.

    Money is usually not a factor anymore in the late game but for trade companies it's everything. You're usually trying to break even as your parent sucks you dry and you try to play as efficiently as possible to get money to get rentability up. If you have any loans you can't send money to your overlord. If your rentability is up, though, you can swim in money as good events flow in. This can always change however if you get into a war, get your treasure fleets raided, take loans or if your overlord becomes bankrupt or loses a war. I think playing like this could be a very fun, albeit challenging experience and offer a lot more roleplaying for both the trade company and every nation that gets in contact with them.

    So those are my suggestions for trade companies. If you're still with me after all of this text have my sincere gratitude and I'd be very happy about any feedback

    submitted by /u/Todesschnizzle
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    Byzantium to Roman empire question

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:55 AM PST

    How do you deal with France and Spain? I almost want to save France for last because they're the biggest late game nightmare in the game. Regardless im about to destroy the papal state and venice.

    submitted by /u/liquidsnake9999
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