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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    EU4 Could it be true 🤔?

    EU4 Could it be true ��?

    Could it be true ��?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:04 AM PST

    Prussia is fucking insane

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:04 AM PST

    Better than Napoleon I reckon

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

    Serbia WC : One Faith, One Tag

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:17 AM PST

    My first revoke boys!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:51 AM PST

    What in the fuck. France lost the surrender of Maine war, and PORTUGAL was given three provinces in northern France as part of the peace deal???

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:56 AM PST

    This was a long way, Freddie

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:05 AM PST

    As the Curia Controller (Pope) you can freely break royal mairrage

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:57 PM PST

    An old friend in "Time"

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Something something AE is just a number (Yet Another Coalition map post)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:58 AM PST

    There should be a Same Map Colour Casus Belli

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:53 PM PST

    Update on Cursed Russia

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:52 PM PST

    Austria VH, Ironman, 1444 Opening Strategy

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Hello All,

    I wanted to post my opening strategy for Austria. This strategy has been playtested many times and works on Ironman/VH, this is a no save scumming strategy and thus there are several contingency plans in place depending on which events fire, ect.

    Section I: The Right Start

    Austria's starting rivals can vary greatly. The ideal opener requires..

    A. France needs to be rivaling both Castile and Austria B. Poland NOT rivaling Austria. Poland Rivaling Hungary C. Papal States NOT rivaling Austria.

    This specific setup may require several immediate restarts until you obtain the right seed. Once you have the file seed above, I recommend making a copy of that save file to avoid frustration of getting it again if you need to start all over. I don't consider doing so to be save scumming since it's a brand new file starting point.

    Section II: Opening Moves (1444 Paused)

    1. Hire advisors for all 3 slots, be sure to hire the +2 diplo skill +1 reputation advisor that Austria always starts with. He's 50% cheaper, along with the 20% relations +2 skill advisor and both will be swapped/used extensively during their lifetimes. Ideally grab a + prestige or -inflation Admin advisor. For military, ideally grab 10% morale/5% disc or 10% cheaper maintenance
    2. Set tech focus to military mana points.
    3. Royal Marry Castile and ally them. Royal marry, Burgundy, and Milan, no alliance.
    4. Royal Marry Hungary but do not ally. This ties up a diplo slot with them to help avoid annoying alliances with France.
    5. Give Graz to Clergy, Ostmark to Burgers.
    6. Get Burghers up to 80+ influence and 70% loyalty but DO NOT take contribution or mana point options yet.
    7. Improve influence and loyalty for Clergy with estate options, donate money, take max mana points (150).
    8. Go to Wein, set state focus to be -10% dev cost. Improve Wein's Base tax and Base production to as much as you can afford. Do NOT improve base manpower. Now, go back to burghers estate tab and take contributions first and 150 mana points second. Spend those mana points improving Wein. Wein should now be a 28 dev. 2 shy of hitting age goal of 30. Over the coming months, invest another base tax and base production to get it to 30 and then turn off state focus of -10 dev cost.
    9. Leave forts ON and slide military spending down. Mothball fleet except for light ship. Have light ship pirate Venice node.
    10. Set rivals: Pick two easy Rivals that you will outclass quickly for easy power projection. Typically go with Bavaria, Teutonic Order, or Provence. Insult one of them for 5 power projection and embargo all 2. Save 1 slot open for the very moment before you declare war on Bohemia for easy PP, bonus to prestige ect.
    11. Move merchant from Venice to collecting in Wein node. Set focus to improve relations bonus.
    12. Train troops/cav ( with a focus on cav) up to 28 force limit.
    13. Note: The reason you royal married Burgundy is because if France decimates them, or they have no heir this gives you the best chance at inheriting Burgundy IF either event fires. The reason you royal marry Milan is this is a lottery play, if you are lucky, you could inherit Milan as a PU outright or have to fight a cake walk of a succession war vs a weak Italian state. The Reason you royal married Castile is setting up a mid to late game claim throne war, as since France is rivaling you both. If Castile ever has a king with no heir, there is a very high % chance that an event will fire that puts a Habsburg on their throne. You will then stay on good terms with Castile/Spain for most of the game, letting them colonize and dominate the new world. Later you will claim throne when the time is right and absorb a massive amount of development.

    Section III: The Bohemian Throne, 1445-1450ish.

    The goal here is to achieve the mission that grants you Restore Union CB on Bohemia as quickly as possible. To do so, you will temporarily go over the relations cap and spend a few imperial points bestowing imperial blessing. Essentially you want to ally 5 electors and bestow blessings/send gifts, proclaim guarantee if needed to hit 100+ relations with 5 of them that are voting for you. This can be obtained in as little as 6-9 months from 1444 game start. As soon as you complete the mission, dissolve all your alliances with these electors to drop down below relations cap again. (Do NOT royal marry any of these nations.).

    Try to time your military sliders/troop morale to immediately be ready upon mission completion. Declare war using the Restore Union CB.

    This is a tough war and requires good micro managing to win. Essentially you have to turn this war into a base race. Set fort defense state focus in Wein. Ideally, go after Bohemia's normally weak allies first (Typically OPM shitters). But DO not peace them out separately upon capturing their capitals. Instead save their capitals as occupied for their additional war goal % contribution and distraction to AI of trying to recap them. If Bohemia's allies capitals are ever on the verge of being captured back, peace them out right before any positive % chance siege tick. If Bohemia and allies are close to capturing Wein, try to engage another stack of theirs nearby to trick them into leaving the siege and reinforcing the fight. Even if you know you will lose the fight if they reinforce. Just immediately retreat when available and go back to the siege race dance. If played well, you can get to the 60% collective war goal needed to sue Bohemia for their throne by 1449-50 depending on how long the war takes. No allies are needed for this war. You may incur around 2-3 loans to win. But those are very easily paid off in a year or two after war.

    Finally: During the war, get Castile, Poland, and Papal States to max relations. Also, keep your previous Bohemia rival slot open for the moment before you declare war on Hungary.

    Section IV: Hungarian Throne, 1455-1460ish

    By this time you should know the choices Hungary has made regarding dynasty.

    A. If Hungary made Hunyadi king and Hapsburg as heir, this is the non ideal situation as now you have to wait till they either disinherit Hapsburg thus firing Restore Union CB for free or conquer other land to get over the 205 development mark to get the mission based Restore Union CB. If you need the development route; I'd recommend going after Venice.

    B. If Hungary has stayed with regency council and Habsburg as heir. This is ideal, as you wait till Ladis is of age and they will either fall under you as Personal Union for free or put Hunyadi on the throne thus giving you Restore Union CB.

    Ideally, Poland will be rivaling Hungary in vast majority of files so you can simply improve relations with Poland and they typically start annexing One of their vassals around 1454 and pounce on the free diplomacy slot with an alliance offer once it is available.

    Once you have Poland allied, declare restore Union CB on Hungary and promise Poland land to avoid waiting for favor points.

    Poland will single handedly win you Hungary's throne. Try to avoid engagements and conserve manpower. Also try to win the siege war quickly to 60% to avoid decimating Hungary's economy, debt, manpower, ect.

    Before you move onto Section V, I recommend also you after Wallacia, Serbia, Bosnia if they still exist before ottomans eat them. Just feed them to Hungary.

    Section V: The Throne of Naples 1460-1470ish

    This section is ideal but does require that Aragon has not already fallen under PU to Castile and has weak allies (basically just not France or Castile).

    You now have the thrones of Hungary and Bohemia and should be around the year 1460 not bad for 16 years! Your next move will be to transfer subject Naples by fighting Aragon. Save Splendor points for the transfer subject half cost ability. Now, with your diplomats, create a Congo line of land claims down to the first Naples province you can reach. As soon as you have the land claim on Naples, go to war with Aragon. This is a tricky war and you need to focus on Aragon's allies and your war goal in Naples to get to the 70% or so war goal needed to sue Aragon for transferring Naples. No allies are needed In this war.

    Section VI: The Bergundian Inheritance Attempt(s) 1470-1500.

    By now you should have the thrones of Bohemia, Hungary and Naples and if you're really blessed Milan. You should be around the year 1470 or so. If Burgundy is still standing strong and neither inheritance event has fired. It's time to play the odds and force it to fire. Ideally you want to go to war with an ally of Burgundy. Get Burgundy up to -75% or greater war score and do not take the war goal of capturing their allies territory to avoid the call for peace.

    Use the claim land Congo line strategy you used on Naples that the transfer subject age of discovery reward gives you to Congo line to one of Bergundy's allies for a standard CB. Basically hold the line around 60% collective war score and pray that the event fires and in your favor. If it fires in Castile's favor. Don't fret, you'll get that later once you claim their throne (see reasoning for royal marrying Castile at the top). Burgundy can be quite strong, I'd recommend pulling in Castile or Poland if possible. Most likely Castile with the favors you've earned since game start.

    Section VII: Conclusion/Final Guidance

    At this point, it's the 1500's and you have Hungary, Bohemia and depending on your luck. Naples, Milan, and Bergundian Inheritance. With the shadow kingdom event having fired in 1490, it's time to rein in Italy. I recommend conquering all of Venice and moving your trade capital there. Focus on taking Italy an stamping out Protestant movement in HRE. Overall really focus on hammering out imperial laws and you should already have 2 passed thus far. You'll set yourself up for a monster mid game once you revoke the privilega. By this point you could go after ottomans with the full might of Christianity or France, or if they have no heir, vassal swarm Spain on a claim throne CB that you ingeniously plotted decades ago.

    General tips:

    Go Diplomacy and Religious as your opening policies. Try to spend all papal points on % chance of gaining Papal Controller.

    At some point try to invest a few diplo mana into improving goldmine at Tirol.

    Once you have good relations with Poland and plenty of diplomats from Diplomacy idea set. Designate a diplomat to support heir for Poland. Gives you nice mana points and chance at restore Union CB. (Thanks to Xaradevir for his comments and contributions here).

    Hope you guys enjoyed and thanks for reading if you made it this far. :). Let me know how this opener guide worked for you!

    submitted by /u/Nightwind777
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    Now THIS is a world war

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE: Eagle on Roman Empire flag is off-centred as fr*ck

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:07 PM PST

    Can someone tell me why the edges of the terra incognita has this pathetic 30 year old design and how to fix it?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:05 AM PST

    He has invoked the horde

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:54 AM PST

    Insubordination!!! I'm going to ANNEX you when I have the chance...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    I think that f*cking ship is stealing my sh*t!!!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:53 AM PST

    I guess people in my country are really tolerant

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:59 AM PST

    The Sun Never Set Invasion: Aztec True One Tag, ft. Aztec America, Africa, and Anatolia

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

    This guy has some serious experience...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:47 AM PST

    War Exhaustion is just a number!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:29 AM PST

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