• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : October 29 2019

    EU4 'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : October 29 2019

    'Which country, what year, how well?' weekly thread : October 29 2019

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    In this thread, you can post a maps from your games, and other players can try to guess who you're playing, what year it is, and any other info you specify. Please only post maps in top-level comments.

    Such posts outside this thread will be removed by the moderators.

    Click here to see past threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    I united Ireland in 1480!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:40 AM PDT

    I see your 1480 Ireland and I raise you 1464!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    World is just a bunch of isles anyways

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    So I formed the HRE as France...

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    An important PSA from your favorite Russian consort

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    Did Paradox fix the game restarting when exiting the lobby?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:48 AM PDT

    Aks me any EU4 question, then edit it to make me look stupid

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    We didn't have one of these threads in a while.

    submitted by /u/Better_Buff_Junglers
    [link] [comments]

    Development Diary - 29th of October 2019

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:00 AM PDT

    Scotland adores Muünster so much

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Training for "First come, First serve"

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    Good job eu4

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:51 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:53 AM PDT

    Russia, my faithful Rival

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    Yeah I don't think I will be playing as a republic this game...

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    Zoroastrian Timmy

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:29 AM PDT

    I'm just minding my business in Russia and England decides to get a PU over Castile!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:10 AM PDT


    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Do you believe in miracles?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    It's no "Mare Nostrum", but here is the result of my RP Germany game

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Finally did it

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    My Mughals run

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    I'm sure I won't be falling behind in tech anytime soon

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    Foolproof succession laws from Poland

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:24 AM PDT

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